
And don’t let the shooter be an immigrant/illegal/refugee/black person/Muslim/Sikh/Indian/brown person/Latinx because then all hell would break loose.

If you cannot feel empathy for that, then you’re not a human being.

Fuck off troll.

Yo lemme get a dub o’ dat book son.”

You literally can’t be that stupid. Try again.

Semantics my dude. Stop getting caught up in one word and focus on the overall message.

You’re gonna die in there! All of you! YOU ARE GONNA DIE!

I’m going to start a bat company producing Greenheart bats.

White people offended that Don Lemon disagrees with their orange messiah. The same cheeto encrusted jackass that said violence was coming from the left if his party of wackjobs and incompetents lose the midterm elections. Literally pulled that one out of his ass. They are desperate people clinging to old hopes of

Cowboys fan here.

She clearly gave the chair umpire some wood(wind).

Oh yeah and jackass went to ITT Technical Institute which ceased operations in 2016 leaving most of its students with crippling debt. Clearly this moron just wants a good paying government job so he can pay back his student loans with blood money from mayo-sweating, racist wypipo.

Pasty bastard.

I have no love for McCain although the man was an American hero who served his country to the best of his ability. I hated his politics, his constant stand against all things progressive but whatever. He was still 1 million times the man that 45 is or could ever be. Trump is a whiny, sniveling little bitch in

Gotta keep THE BLACKS and some of the other people from stepping out of line.

I wonder why Serena’s outfit was banned? Hmmmmm.