
Dammit Stan!

Sounds like a government handout to me. Good old fashioned communism at work and enabled by Trump and his minions in the name of “fair trade.” These mom and pop farmers are making out quite well on the dole. 

That would be socialism. Tell them farmers to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. The gubmint will distribute that tariff money to the billionaires who helped Trump get elected the people who actually need it.


No. You’re wrong. Eat a bag of dicks.

Wypipo believing the lies of other wypipo over actual facts from a 60 year-old man who doesn’t need this kind of shit in his life. I wish I was there so I could have stepped in and ran that asshole outta there.

Wypipo thinking all Black people look alike. A tradition like no other...Racism.

+1 clanked three off the back iron

He’ll tweet that right before getting back on his knees to give Putin another blowie. Try getting that image out of your heads for the rest of the weekend.

And we believe him. Time to heal and move past this.

There are more people at that game than what showed up to watch the Detroit Pistons play for much of last season. The WNBA marketing of its league and players is shitty at best and that’s the reason why they aren’t making more money that they can offer the players. How can Russia and other countries worldwide be able

She better watch out before 45 decides she’s just too brown for his liking and deports her fraud ass back to Lebanon. Yeah, she won’t drop that Italian last name as long as she gets to continue riding the Fox gravy train to crazy town.

Taking a knee in protest is sooooooooooo much worse than providing aid to the dictator of a foreign country even when you’re sworn to protect the U.S. from enemies (foreign and domestic). Said dictator also used to be the head of the KGB in a communist country. It truly amazes me that the new Republitard party can’t

There’s just so much water between the US and Puerto Rico. It’s literally surrounded by an ocean of water. SO MUCH WATER!!!!!


My God! I came here to say that. Only a day late and a dollar short.

Too bad Hader did a really great job of that himself.

Yes, like it was OK to have Blacks Only colleges when white mothafuckas refused to allow us to enroll in their mayo-tipped universities. Kindly fuck all the way off to your colonizer ancestors.