
White men continuing to fuck up shit since 1492. So not surprised here.

Fuck you and your bullshit opinion. I’m sure you’re more afraid of unarmed black children than you are of knife and trash can wielding 17 year old white males. Your mayonnaise cowardice is showing.

+Gang Affliations

After enough hits to the head and questionable behavior in his past...anything is possible.

And I’m sure Tepper will have no problem showing the media exactly where in the contract he’s forced to keep that statue right where it is. I’m going to stop him right there and call BULLSHIT. He’s too chickenshit to piss off the 50% of the mouthbreathers to actually remove the statue so he blames it on a contract and

Because the Wilpons won’t trade with the Yankees no matter how shitty their team becomes. They are woefully stupid owners.

Celtics too.

#PoolPatrolPatty needs more of this in her life

No doubt. I’ve been playing it since the soundtrack came out.

Find ways to enrich billionaires off of the backs of people who actually work for a living. Basically, he’s a piece of unseasoned shit.

I apologize that I only have but one star to give. Please accept these as payment for your comment.


This has to be the #1 reason why I never dated any white girls. I just never wanted anyone to EVER put their feet on the dashboard. White chicks are serial offenders of the “no feet on the dash” rule.

That would be the ultimate Dolan thing to do. Hopefully he sells the team soon so he can fulfill his dream of being the next shitty over-the-hill trust fund baby blues singer.

I have no idea what Howard Hewett is doing trying to play basketball at his advanced age. Someone get him a stool and a mic instead.

Yeah, can’t go much lower than 0.00% probability. And that was before the signing.

Holy shit. I literally have not seen this man in 20 years. He’s just given up on life I suppose.

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