
Gotta eat more W’s.

Holy Hell. Flawless Victory.

Houston fans should take some of that salt and rub it Chris Paul’s hamstrings to toughen them up. Wow, never realized that you can blame Ayesha Curry for their team absolutely pissing away their opportunity on the court but here were are in 2018.

Fuck Kevin McHale and his shit for brains wife. MAGAssholes.

A nice little fact left out by Mr. quote machine up there.

As cowardly as white silence on issues that matter to everyone, regardless of skin color or nationality. Fuck off.

HAHA. no.

Maybe Trout should wear his hat backwards and participate in a HR Derby or two.

More of this please. Just mainline it into my veins.

Fucking white people shit...

Boom. There it is. The only thing I knew about him before today was that he got KTFO on stage somewhere last year. Once I found out about the abuse his ex-gf had to endure, I thought this dude’s killing had to be some type of revenge deal. Reap what you sow. Chickens coming home to roost and all that. He lived like he

Boom. There it is. The only thing I knew about him before today was that he got KTFO on stage somewhere last year. Once I found out about the abuse his ex-gf had to endure, I thought this dude’s killing had to be some type of revenge deal. Reap what you sow. Chickens coming home to roost and all that. He lived like he

You mean like these women?

They’re willing to invest in the communities only if they can attract young, white people to replace the POC who are forced out. Where was the investment in the communities that were mostly black or brown? Oh yeah, there was no real investment because it couldn’t benefit the white folks that had decided to flee the

Says the white person who doesn’t care to believe what black people have been saying for centuries. Take your ball and fuck off.

Gives new meaning to the phrase: Slow white guy.

So Leonard will go from a small, but quaint town with Championship pedigree to a backwater, shithole with one ring in the last 60 years or so? Is that what the rumor mill would have up believe?

“So many people are asking these questions. Why isn’t the MMM doing anything about it? I keep hearing from sooooooooo many people about this video” defense.

HAHAHA. Fuck off burner

He probably also got him a AirBnB house just to make sure he had a comfortable stay.