
Can’t wait for him to begin giving 5 hour speeches on Fox News to all of his loyal servants and supporters when he wants them to go out and kill everyone who doesn’t have a framed portrait of him in their homes. Fuck this guy in the eyeball with a rusty screwdriver.

Two words: Brock Turner.

Take all the stars

They do it all the time when they bring up Martin Luther King Jr. as if these same jackass rednecks aren’t the ones who used to arrest, beat and ultimately killed the man.

I’ve seen this fact for nearly a year or more or social media and anyone who has followed this shit brain knew that he was once married to his cousin. I thought it was common knowledge by now.

I love satire posts in the voice of meat head, steroid abusing, short bald guys who could have become a cop if they didn’t fail out of high school.

So what you’re saying is I can find Trump at noon to beat the living shit out of him and take his lunch money?

I put Dawn in my eyes at least once a week. I think these “urban housewives,” if they are even housewives, just want us to by their organic, vegan, “biodegradeable” dishwashing liquid that they make to cover up the meth labs in their basement.

I think your premise is flawed but goddamn I can watch Brandon G’Knight get dunked on in a perpetual loop until the rapture. Nastiest in-game NBA dunk in years.

No wonder Heyward is doing so well these days. Gub’ment subsidies!

It’s Dawn and water man, C’MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harden can give a comprehensive tour of all the strip clubs. I hear the strippers are really appreciative of all the time he spends there.

He’s a champion and no one can ever take that away from him, but the man is 33 years old and sounds like he’s still 18. He’s literally too dumb to be on this team but he’s got his ring, so yay?!?! Maybe he’ll chase the money next season and bounce, but the Warriors will probably be better off.

We don’t fuck around with alligators. Let the white folks try to get brave, All I. Gator wasn’t having that shit and dude knew it. Comedy at its best.

I couldn’t get halfway through this without thinking “these people should be burned at the stake then tossed into a volcano.”

As long as the Washington Football Team continues to struggle and completely suck the air out of D.C. every winter, this is fine with me. Let the Caps enjoy their, how do you say? Hoc-key, trophy? Yeah, that sounds about right.

Nice lipstick.

Fans are morons. Now this CNN panel will yell at each other for 4 hours.