
Life must be great if you can blame all your problems on other peoples' supposed phobias.

First time I watched the whole thing today. First time I shut it off quickly after getting to the "Men are the devil, women can't be scientists because of men" aspect. Didn't get much better, her machine DID kill a guy.

While I overall have liked this show very much, it felt really forced how Heidi suddenly turned out. It's almost as if the writers suddenly realized that Gus needed to be unhappy, so instead they made it so that Heidi was a cunt all along, just hiding it.
Yeah, she was stressed, but it was very jarring how quickly it

I pretty much tuned out after the "You're a girl so you can't do it" remarks at the start. Shut it off after the short video clip with the automatic barber chair.
I get it, men are the spawn of Satan, women are perfect and Lisa once again comes out on top, having learned a few lessons but ultimately nothing more than

This whole episode was a giant "Meh, know what's going to happen. Did not like that pun. Fuck man, is this going to end? Am I really being that jaded right now or is this actually a piece of crap? Oh god, don't do that.. Just because you highlight the bad stuff doesn't mean you get away with it."
I hated it, but I see

Just saw that segment. Holy crap, I never thought something like this would ever be said on television, the entire episode just NAILED this SJW shit up on the wall and kept blasting it with shotgun shells..
Straight A material indeed!

I really can't stand Lena Dunham, but I won't fault her for this episode. She did actually seem like she was trying.
I don't think the problem is that the writers are predominantly male either, I think it is that Homer and Marge have gone through so many problems by now that there's simply not much more to do. They're