Ice Princess is the next Companion

Actually, Eugene Victor Toombs would be around 138, not 51.

Yeah, I can't either. It's so annoying.

You beat me to it!

Maybe it's too early in the morning, but I couldn't even finish reading her response to Fox news; It was just too- I don't even know. As a History freak I am appalled!

That wa sooo funny!

Shut up! I am so very jealous.

Hearted because that made my day!

Me too! I love Dr.Who.

Hearted. I loove BTTF!

I'm in the Sac area too and haven't felt anything either. Actually, I haven't felt an eartquake in at least 15 years.

I agree. I loves me some Kid.

I'm sorry, this is totally irrelevant to the story, but I NEED to know, what breed of dog is in the above picture? Soo cute! Too bad I don't have time and too lazy to get one?

Holy crap, yes! Jamie Fraser can take his time with me whenever he wants, aye?

Spanish is considered European or Latino/a. Hispanic is for people from Mexico, Central South America, Perto Rico, etc, although they also can call themselves Latino/a.

@PurpleWatch: Me too! Even when he was a jerk on "The Tudors".

@malishka: It sounds like an explosion.

@Kivrin: I lusted after the Heathcliff in the book, but it wasn't until the Tom Hardy movie version that I got all hot and bothered.