Ice Princess is the next Companion

@Lumberjacques:LOL! You took the words right out of my head. That is exactly what I thought when I first saw the picture!

@Auruor: I call my 20 year old nephew baby to his face and when talking about him amoung family. My youngest nephew, who is 6 is Babycakes, and when he asked me not to call him that I promptly refused. I will hold back kissing him in front of his friends though :P

Holy crap, he cleans up well!

@kimdog: Yes, and where can I sign upfor the next one?!

Meh, it's kind of creepy, but you know which commercial is scary? That Starburst commercial that has a dead guy on the bus.

@Tambar: I read it the same way!

@kentuckienne: Of course, you know I just had to go google it. Freeeaaky!

@baseballchica03: That was awesone. I can listen to Tony Bennett all day.

@Lida Rose: "Unanswered Prayers" I have to admit that it is actually a good premise for a Lifetime movie.

@PurpleMonkeyDinosaur: Congratulations to your mom! Today is my sister's second 8 hour chemo. session, and so far the side affects have been minimal, although she has begun to loose her hair. She is optimistic though and really with her (relatively) good luck her head will be a pretty shape and she will be even more

@no more girl wonder: Isn't it fantastic how, even though Kermit is a puppet you can feel his loss in this picture? Jim Henson, we love you for that.

@Lizard in the Wires is Driving MizJenkins: I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I move from 40 mins. south of Fresno to 40 mins. south of Sac. and think it's tghe best thing I could have done. I volunteer at Sutter's Fort and have a lot of other opportunities that I could only get in "the big city"

@NellMood: OMG me too! When I was little I was sure I was going to dress like her when I grew up, it's probably why I have never been satisfied with any boot I've ever owned/tried on.

@DarlingGirl: me too! :'( I can not wait for this movie to come out. Anyone in the Nor Cal area wanna go to the midnight showing??

@Egoscarfed: You, my friend, should be a writer.

@hambone: I don't know what it was about, but if he looked at me that way I would drop my pants so fast even if he acted all weird after.