@schrodinger: I just spent an hour watching her videos! She is quite talented, and I love her hair! Thanks!
@schrodinger: I just spent an hour watching her videos! She is quite talented, and I love her hair! Thanks!
I am so mad, the place I'm staying at in Gettysburg dosn't get AMc.
@happygardeningmama002: Beat me to it, I was thinking the same thing!
@pepe-silvia: Yes it was ! I still refer to it often "Hellooooooo Nurse!"
@The Elusive Monkey Moose: My mind totally read that with Cheech's voice.
@vision-o-johanna: how weird is it that as I finished reading your comment, my brain said "You're a wizard, Harry" in Hagrid's voice?
@lucyjae: I know! I can only hope that she has webbed toes,or abnormally long noise hair, but even then she'd be hot.
I have never watched Jersey Shore, so I really have no idea wh these people are outside of Jezebel, but I have to give them credit for not taking themselves so seriously. Too funny.
Holy Crap Miley Cyrus makes sense!
I am so ridiculously excited to see this movie.
I'm so happy they used the original! She is so effin cute!Look at those feet! I had Lime Chiffon when I as little, the SSC I had was second hand but they both still smell! Aww to be young again
I skipped a family reunion in Nevada and decided to stay at mi sis's house in L.A instead since she's gone, but have not left the house in 2 days. I can't really be gone too long 'cause I am babysitting my mom's dog. Hopefully I'll make it to the fabric district tomorrow. I'm such a looser ;p
@wtfox?!: It must be something in the (cyber)air. I just ordered $32 worth of food, for myself.
@vgnvxn: depends. If it's a long sleeve, then yes but probably not a t-shirt. (I'm not a nurse or dr., but my nephew just broke his arm for the second time this year, so I'm experienced :) )
@WhoreHound: yes it IS funny! just ask my dad who had 6 daughters.
Wasn't Ryan dating me?
@laureltreedaphne: well said.
@kaiwhakamarie: niiiiice
@14Kgold: No you are not alone. Those were my exact words, except I added something about Kate. Honestly her character is just so annoying. When the shooting started I KNEW she was going to get hit.
@twisted_martini: Agreed.