How log until this gets cancelled
How log until this gets cancelled
^^^^^ This right here. preach it
There’s consistently a conflation between fair and equal in socialist talking points. We should only be concerned with an equal availability of opportunity and not the fairness of outcome. Millions of immigrants flocked to the US to have the right of self determination, not to have the government tell them what they…
It’s an improvement of they will get to decide on what terms they trade. Everyone on here is talking what they’ll be able to produce do to the trade issues. They’re forgetting what the Brits will consume and if the EU wants to continue to sell them goods, they’ll have to strike a fair bargain. Their voting power will…
How many nations in the EU are or have been essentially bankrupted since its inception?
They can secede from the union, but they loose support from the US federal government.
To say Brussels was hands off is factually untrue
Because nations should govern themselves. The UK had issues with the EU governance over them and instead of working with them, they kind of said “here’s our terms, you got a problem with it? Then leave!” so they did and the air very much stinks of the EU is going to try and punish the UK at every turn because they…
You’re a racist, the end.
That’s not a crisis, it’s a gathering of morons. HIV is all but a completely avoidable infection. There’s no cure for stupid, you’re a prime example.
200 people throughout an entire state with a population of 6.5 million is not a crisis.
Not a Pence fan at all, but I’m pretty sure that if by 2013 you don’t know how HIV is transmitted, it’s time for natural selection to take it’s course.
They should
So they have to work at Nascar in order to be able to eat? There’s no other job that pays enough for them to eat?
You know your employment there is completely voluntary, right?
Incorrect. When you start making more online sales, these sales are almost always made by someone with an account for that company. This allows them to track and target customer data which can become priceless.
There could be many a reason not to tip 20%. You shouldn’t give away your hard earned money to someone else just because they make less than you.
So lie to people to get elected and then just do whatever you want instead of running on one’s actual policies?
Something is wrong with EW’s math here. If there are less than 700 billionaires in the US, even if you wrangled 1 billion each from them. You’re still 300 billion short. Plus now you’re going to tax businesses at a minimum of 35%? Where are you going to get all this money if companies to start fleeing the country? And…
While I generally believe people should wear clothes that fit them appropriately (Clothes should not be excessively baggy or excessively tight), I really don’t care.