
Which political ideology is the one trying to define hate speech?

I liked all his old stuff, especially his last special. This one was meh...

This article is so racist it’s unbelievable. So because her political stances are different than yours, she’s a “low IQ” and a “pet negro”?

There should be no such thing as a sympathetic interview. Unbelievable, journalism should be about.... ready.... facts

They’ve been implemented in other countries that are smaller and mostly homogeneous. Her policies would cost more money than the US takes in taxes a year. She got elected for empty promises, but she’ll stay to try and bankrupt the country. 

So you want to split the country into two?

You haven’t seen any polls, so you can make up numbers about how the American public feels about this issue? You’re an idiot, keep your guesses to yourself since they hold no actual intelligent bearing on anything.

Bracewell is correct though. Her plan is full of platitudes. She wants the US to be on 100% renewable energy by 2030. That will cost as much as Medicare for all, not to mention the aging infrastructure and the fact that the technology is not there to move to 100% renewable energy.

[nash-uh-nl-iz-uh m, nash-nuh-liz-]

What about black people that like Trump?

Good luck getting a socialist to drive the bus

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