The real take away here is by putting smaller tires on your car you can get MORE horsepower.
The real take away here is by putting smaller tires on your car you can get MORE horsepower.
Those people who slide onto the right shoulder before making a right turn. In their head they are letting me past but all they are really doing is confusing me as to their intentions and/or forcing me to cross center line to go around them.
I’ve heard it both ways.
I imagine it being popular in Portland.
The BMW, even in death, parks like an asshat.
And it comes in the same color as the skin of the people who will buy it.
Good to see they make sure you can count to 4 in college.
It's a good thing he was wearing his oven mitts in case the Porsche spontaneously burst into flames.
I really hope he yelled "Jordan" right before jumping.
Can someone put him on a rolling road and see how much horsepower he has?
Where are the rest of the team?
Was he named after Andrew Ender Wiggin from Ender's game? The book did come out 28 years ago...
I wonder how many cup holders there are between them...
Wow, if this person drove an SUV they'd get stuck trying to get off the salt flats.
I wonder if he's using a Blackberry because he couldn't afford an iPhone...