
The whole fucking point of saying Black Lives Matter is the implication that we live in a country where it is ALREADY FUCKING ASSUMED THAT WHITE LIVES MATTER. All of them. By default and without any sort of “proper” behavior or hard work or anything at all. (Oh yeah, and that black lives are clearly not afforded the

God that’s like people saying, “Well Abraham Lincoln was a Republican!” Meanwhile, some of the same Republicans still celebrate today as Robert E. Lee day.

First, you cannot, realistically, take a comment made during an era when every word and nuance made by by a black man had to be very carefully considered and crafted in such a way that would get the meaning across and not anger the white establishment, and try to equate it with saying the same thing today.

Cant I just leave them there looking dumb? I don’t want to claim them. Plz don’t make me.

White people, come get ya people.

“All lives matter” is the smarmiest, most disingenuous erasure of a movement that malicious and clueless white people could have come up with. To apply this to Dr. King, his work, or his life is almost violent in its untruth. Fuck this parade of assholes in the ear.

Male leads on shows are unlikable and insufferable all of the time. Far worse than Piper or Nancy. Neither raped a woman steps away from the dinner table her husband and his wife were at like Don Draper. Neither are serial murderers and also tediously boring like Dexter. Or homicidal drug kingpins like Walt White. Or

Thank you for understanding how much it hurts to read this. A lot of guys I know, even if they personally abhor this type of perspective, don't understand why it personally wounds women to hear it.