

The “cultural appropriation” phenomenon is probably the most poisonous idea that we’ve come up with. Culture doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it’s not something you can horde and the only way you could steal it is if you so completely integrate a piece of culture into your own that people forget that the origins lie

Not denying there wasn’t a campaign, but the present tense narrative style had much more to do with it. It’s also got a shockingly low rating on Goodreads, which is probably the most un-alt right major site on the internet. 

It’s pretty much exactly the problem the character God faced in The Bible. He was, by any objective account, an asshole. Prone to capricious anger and imposing so many tiny rules on everyone that no one knew how to behave. And, because he ‘knew all’ all he could thing was “Why don’t you all just listen to me! Why

And I also think that Judge Gen knows - that why she came to check up on them. Shawn probably told on them and she saw he was telling the truth and she gave permission for Trevor to interfere so now they literally have a good and a bad demon pushing them to do stuff to see what they chose.

I really, really hope they pull a lot from Kelly Sue DeConnick’s run — especially this quote, which those scenes of Carol falling down and then getting back up reminded me of:

Disney-Marvel better play nice or we’ll do to it what we did with Star Wars.

“My name is Bossk. James Bossk.”

Please accept my apology for making you feel outraged, I made a mistake and was wrong. No excuses, this is entirely on me.

My bad.  Sort of blew right past the in the comics part. 

Just give him all of his powers. Make saving people and beating the bad guys nearly effortless. The difficulty could come from the other stuff. How are you going to give Lois the slip to stop that bank robbery without raising her suspicions? Are you going to stop that plane that’s crashing, or are you going to stop

But what if he can’t tell them what to do?

January, 2019: George R.R. Martin releases The Winds of Winter, A Dream of Spring, and special “surprise” volume Jaqen H’ghar’s Summer Slam Jam. Each clocks in at around 1800 pages. “Surprise, suckas!” he says, then reveals he’s working on WildStars, a Star Wars/Wild Cards crossover event to be adapted as a Hulu

My personal favorite is that the climax of one of the books involves the reveal that a ship which has been known the entire time as ‘Mistake Not...’ is actually called ‘Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The

Protip: “alpha males” aren’t actually a real thing, the scientist who discovered them later realized that he was completely wrong and was actually observing the head of a family, rather than that of a pack. So calling someone a “beta male” is pretty stupid.

...an envelope full of glitter sand.

My pitch for the new Picard series.

They’re used to being on top. Not just being on top, but not actually doing anything to get there other than being born a certain way. So anything that threatens to change the dynamic even slightly is terrifying to them, so they lash out in the worst ways.

Why do so many damn MRA’s and Alt-right have such a fragile ego?

All-Star Superman is not only the best Superman comic, but arguably the greatest comic series of the last 20 years.