
The Gate— My friend and I watched this movie at around ten years old in 1988 or so. At the moment when they run outside to escape the demons attack them and run into the one kids parents and their faces melt and they shout, “YOU’VE BEEN BAAAAAAD” we both ran upstairs screaming to his parents room and wouldn’t leave

Any ideas on age level that this would be appropriate for? I haven't DM'ed a game in upwards of 15 years, but I'd like to introduce my seven year old to D&D and looking for a quick and easy vehicle to do that. Thanks for the review!

You wanna understand Joker and Cowboy's relationship? Join the Marine Corps and spend a few years in the shit and it'll immediately become relatable. I'm all for analysis to the death of film/literature/whatevermediayouprefer, but this one is simple. They're brother Marines who've been through hell together, and