
Not true!!

Everything we do sets precedents, breaks paths, & creates or maintains new norms. A group or person who steps over or on the necks of others to gain the power is validating the use of such moves by others to remove them from power. Rick knows this, he still believes that this matters. It does for it partially

Uh humph
Glenn showered but put back on the same clothes. So he is not lying about having showered & the rest of the group is not confused or hallucinating to say he smells about the same.

It has been argued if one gender needs to or has to rule, better the male. The testosterone effect can actually be easier to deal with when it comes out than the mother tiger with cubs syndrome. Moms side with their kids & get very irrational if any one says their kid is not the best & brightest & mostly perfect every

George Washingtom believed that an armed populace was essential. Well trained locals are valuable units either at home or over there. In addition to the utility & efficiency of the National Guard, armed home owners cut down on break-ins & other violence. The criminal element that wants to arm itself probably will,

This person does not believe that.

And yet I think there is more to the no- guns-inside-the-wall rule.

I had wondered about that! Me too!

Thanks for helping those not from the South (of the USA).

When some folks are open & blunt with you, listen to what they do not say, I mean what they leave unsaid.

The radio news that might have been a hallucination carried news of a group of limb hacker off folks attacking a government. Whether the radio broadcast was resl or not, there are limb hackers, there is a government somewhere, perhaps only in contact with some communities & perhaps more dormant than active.

& gut the possom not on the porch!

Did the interview tapes give you a paranoid feeling? There is more to it, I kept thinking. Everything we put out there some one can gather up & read & collate to find out things about us. I find it hard to believe that it is for historical reasons or just for local consumption.


Yes that is a good point about Darryl losing something by joining this suburban society & Rick gaining something.
This is not a spoiler. I am comic illiterate.
But how did Legislator Mom Deana place a dynastic rule over the community, even with an architect husband (& 2 sons) who put up the walls or the first panel of

Family is interesting!
Unlike friends you can't pick your family. Ha

I love that idea with realistic looking rust freckles & fading of the paint. That's what I would want.

I liked John Carter. Less predicable than some movies.