


Some folks are failing to see it even though it has been repeatedly telegraphed instead of being dramatised or hinted at in subtle ways. The writers & producers guessed correctly that a fill in the dots approach was better than subtle for most folks.

In the real world pre zombies, I have met very smart folks who were self blinded when their offspring entered their visual field. So this Deana who wants to build a community has been ok with her idiot son sacrificing folks who follow his lead. The folks who did not work out were exiled. Deana is cold & not stupid.

Active recruitment
Folks following Adrian the leader
The leave folks behind plan
That us how they have survived.

I think that is the point. These folks have been book clubbing & in other ways pretending the world outside the wall does not exist, losing folks to zombies but then pretending all is well & waiting for help to arrive. The set is part of telling that part of the story.

Hey bandit masked critter
I am just here for typed conversation .
One does not leave one's purse in the store by the rack of clothes & go to the dressing room without it. & internet & the real world has bad persons in it. So let's stick to user names. But a cheery hello & you can reply Back. My internet is lagging &

I like the one involving needing whales to answer a message but there are no whales so they are going to find and get some. I like it, the human to human, & Vulcan to human interaction.

Shatner's hair is important. It moves when he jerks his head to punctuate his lines, whether the hair be hair or not hair or grown from the Shatner's scalp or not grown there. Ha

So Tom Selleck, Steve McQueen & all those tough guys were wrong? Say it ain't so!

Thanks for that. I know the difference between tension & compression but I had not figured that out without your help.

First off
You are a thoughtful watcher of this show.
I have seen a North & Western USA/Deep south divide & a non-rural/rural divide in how viewers see & react to things on this show. Just one example. The nice community of Alexandria is right beside older junkier homes. Well in the Deep South (Mississippi is my home,

I thought that interesting. His varmit was fat. The Alexandrisns put the garbage outside, & the varmit is fat from the human garbage but how are the humans so well supplied?

Thanks for typing that.
They took Showers!

The lack of sugary snacks & sugary drinks helps them out. My mom remembers tree branches cut off even, then frayed to use as tooth brushes. I am sure Rick knows about this and has taught the others. If not Darryl has taught them.

Not true! For those who buy the heavy gauge thick denim the black jeans will hold up a long long time. Modern jeans are not jeans, they are thin-fabric material.

And I continue my thought. I thought Aaron & his beloved were a good choice. I am guessing that they were brave enough to do it. Does it strike you as odd that he & his beloved were unarmed? So the Deana's son head of their militia has guns but Aaron does not, is this odd? Historically when you see the population of a

I was just clumsy in my wording & too lazy to refer back to get Aaron's name right. There is a comment either in the ether or pending so I will make this comment. To avoid misspelling or mis calling Aaron's name I used gay like one might say the tall black guy in describing a scene with mostly white characters. I am

I am thinking more of the thoughtful almost shy way Aaron presents himself. The lack of tactical training. That there are only the two of them. My calling the two characters gay was (my being possibly thick-headed) & trying to identify those two without misspelling or miscalling names like if I had said the tall black

That makes good sense!