
lazy. those photos are all too fucking recent. not even his best work.

to be honest - I about died when they were running commentary on phelps mean mugging while clos was taunting him with stretches, shakes and smiles before the match. not nearly as offensive as how they paint women, but really appreciated equal opportunity belittling. “Athletes...they are just like us!”

do any of their bras have enough padding to not show my headlights? it is not my favorite thing to deal with in my job at the public library :/ I know people knock the fact that level of padding sculpts too much but srsly they don’t turn off and I have to deal with the issue of uncomfortable staring when I am trying

do any of their bras have enough padding to not show my headlights? it is not my favorite thing to deal with in my

here’s what gets me - phelps body has been studied scientifically - they proved his proportions actually propel him faster than bodies set up differently, even relative to his peers. He has a clear advantage because of his biological make up, so tell me why a person who presents as female should be held under greater

I know every shade of person does messed up things being part of PD, but I seriously wish you didn't use a POC for this article.

I hate that people's responses to this incredible story is sharing what they are drinking. big ol plate of privilege