Yeah. Everyone has the exact same level of fitness, obviously.
Yeah. Everyone has the exact same level of fitness, obviously.
Personally, I’d rather have the gray system put up a wall between me and the people who post mutilation pics across Kinja. There’s still people doing that sick shit over on Gawker.
I don’t know why, but people who say things like, “You should try smiling in your profile pic.” piss me off. It sounds so smug and condescending. She is a fucking adult, with agency over her own life, and doesn’t need your gormless ass telling her what her profile pic should look like. Good day, sir. I said good day!
Holy shit, a woman can’t even write an article online without a guy telling her to smile.
She needs to go sit in a coffee shop and be judging people on listening to mainstream music.
1) No right is absolute
Although a document written hundreds of years ago when people had single-fire muskets couldn’t possibly predict assault weapons in the hands of every citizen. Also, what happened to the “well regulated” part?
Dial it back a bit, Gandalf.
Funny, because nothing confirms my happiness of being in a stable, healthy, long term relationship like Dr Nerdlove’s columns.
You know what? I’m ok with that. Do it to Marvel, too. I feel like a cell-shaded adventure game in this vein may very well be the BEST way to tell a comic story.
New engine? About time... Their games have suffered of late (though I’m only going as far as GoT; it could be that Borderlands and Minecraft didn’t look like a three year old had inked them in crayon)
Of course we still have it good. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to be misogynistic toward white women. Just like it’s not acceptable, for example, to be racist toward black men because they have male privilege. And remember that “white women” includes women who are queer and trans, who are poor, who are immigrants, who…
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It’s supposed to be the peace sign or V for victory.
not necessarily. being open about purchases, and making smart financial choices.
Not if you can’t afford it.
Nah, I’d say he’s actually in an adult relationship and she’s probably vetoing the purchase because he’s going to fall into the damn game and revert a 15 year old that doesn’t understand life balance. I point to these silly stunts as proof.
Funny. I’ve already gotten more play time out of this -$10 game than most $60 games I purchase.
Or she’s the sane one who handles the finances.
It is exactly that. Unfunny and sad.