I hope Stockard Channing gets a better oppurtonity to play Liz in the future.
I hope Stockard Channing gets a better oppurtonity to play Liz in the future.
You know, it’s incredibly awkward that you keep attributing a movie to her that she doesn’t star in. Even after the cast of the movie she DOES star in is literally pictured above. All Black people don’t look alike, dude.
So, Viola Davis got a star to promote Hidden Figures, a film she is not in?
Nope, nope. That wasn’t racism. Someone accurately referring to a white boy as “that white boy over there” is not at all racism. This guy is nuts, and I’m continually amazed at how badly white people seem to want to be oppressed in some way. It’s a weird fantasy to have.
“The world was a different place 100 years ago.”
Sigh...I wish you were wrong.
This is the America I want us to be.
Did he include a bit about trying to date a, you know, actual black girl?
Why not? Your taste is your taste. Does it matter for the context of this story, though?
Oh please, it was a mild ribbing over some condescending bullshit, not me trying to **UNDO THE LEGACY** of your effing senpai.
Steinem there to ensure that no other white women go boy crazy and switch to supporting Trump.
Seems like the other side didn’t give a fuck about optics and all it got them was all the power. Seems like maybe a rethink of the current paradigm is in order.
You act like the rules of the game are the same as before. We tried taking the “high road” for pretty much all of the Obama era and those on the right just laughed and walked all over us. We proved nothing because they don’t give a shit about the “optics” of appearing civil. They care about power and will do…
Meh. I don’t see a problem if the Trump grandkids learn about how people are mad at mommy and daddy.
Totally not helping but I’m OK with it. They shouldn’t feel comfortable anywhere they go in public.
I don’t think Ivanka requires help nor deserves it. She’s done and said some shitty stuff in the media. She’s now definitively a public figure and one that a lot of people feel anger at. So yeah, this is going to happen and should happen. Honestly if anyone else had said the shit Ivanka has about the poor, immigrants,…
“If there was a class called the “The Problem of Blackness,” or “The Problem of Hispanics,” or “The Problem of Jewishness” this website would be up in arms.”
“Whiteness” is a construct designed by a particular group of people in order to exclude particular other groups and deny them their rights. It has been used to mean or to exclude a variety of people of varying skin tones and ethnic backgrounds, depending on what was convenient at the time. “Blackness” is also a social…
Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.