
She didn’t apologize for what she did. She apologized for her timing. She also calls herself naive and misguided and ignorant a lot as a way to absolve herself of guilt instead of just taking full responsibility for what she did. She’s constantly retreating into the innocent misguided white woman trope and it’s beyond

Howard Stern show, I think.

“I am sending my love and prayers to my fellow Israeli citizens,” she wrote. “Especially to all the boys and girls who are risking their lives protecting my country against the horrific acts conducted by Hamas, who are hiding like cowards behind women and children...We shall overcome!!! Shabbat Shalom! #weareright

She didn’t send them back, she did donate them.

You’re intentionally missing the point. And claiming that someone pointing out disparities between the way female victims and male victims are treated and remembered is somehow “pitting the sexes against each other” is disingenuous and manipulative.

Has he identified himself as black, though? From what I’ve seen on twitter that’s been his phrasing as well.

How is there any implication that he’s white, though. Even if you weren’t reaching for the stars (which you are) there are more than just black and white people on this planet. Also, people continuously devalue, erase, and steal from black women, so her being black is totally relevant.

Having a mixed or black partner doesn’t negate someone being a racist, btw.

Syria and wage gaps are two separate subjects, and that would be derailing. But if you’re talking about wage gaps and a black woman points out that black women make less than white women, that’s literally on topic. Something isn’t derailing just because it makes you uncomfortable.

Wow... you need to be a yoga instructor with all this reaching you’re doing. Also, if black women are women too, then how can talking about their issues be derailing conversations about feminism or misogyny? Your misogynoir is showing.

Wouldn’t that be Gaga and that ridiculously earnest performance she put on. That was so embarrassing. But yes, I 100% needs Beys performance.

Every time I read stories like this it just reminds me that white people would humanize before they would humanize black people.

That’s great, but those people are still dead.

The problem is that a lot of people didn’t live through Reagan. A lot of people died.

He’s not a rapper.

What’s really funny is the Guinness world record reaching y’all stay doing to bash her. Three people were mentioned in that sentence and all you saw was “this site” defending her. 

Can’t imagine anything I’d rather see less... well... except the Inauguration. But if it’s centered around Jack and Karen my ass will be tuned in every night. I hate Will, though.

But if you can’t critique allies, who are supposed to listen, who can you critique? If a student gets the answer to a question partially right, you don’t give them a a+ and pass them. You give them the appropriate grade and tell them how they can do better next time.

I don’t think they’re just picking on this one. They’re just pointing out that a movie that made an actual effort to have diversity could have had a few more women. And rightly so.

Imagine telling people of color to stop speaking against a racist because she’s a woman. White women are a trip.