
Also, he still got where he is today because of his name and family connections. He may not inherit Vanderbuilt money but leg-up he got because of who he’s related to goes a LONG way. It’s easier to “make your own money” when you are related to a well-known and famous family.

Bitch, I’m also a bitch.

Bitch, I’m 46.

I don’t have time for racism. No matter what a person’s age.

Sexy?! Looked he was pounding pavement and the girl was hanging on for dear life!

God damnit this show is amazing. I work in a cubicle hell type office environment, and I was once again shaming two of my co-workers/friends for not watching this show. Mid-way through my pitch, an older, 50-ish, Trump voter white woman pops into the convo and excitedly asks, “What show are you talking about?” I’m

Can we take a moment to acknowledge how sexy AF the ending scene with Lawrence was? Jesus, that man.

I am completed unsurprised that a black woman on a genre show is disliked by fans. The ol’ Martha Jones syndrome.

Rich has been 22 for the last 15 years now. He knows what it’s like to be 22 okay?

Google is free. Still.

There was a really great interview he did shortly after getting out of jail, talking about how his entire attitude has changed. To summarize from memory...before he went in, his priority was being fucked up 24/7 and it was really hard on his body. While he was in he realized that taking care of yourself feels pretty

I think you are missing the fact that this is a man who serially raped black women. That they are questioning the testimony of multiple black women for the exoneration of a white man absolutely has to do with race as much as it does misogyny.

No! I’ve been over here having all these unwanted children and taking all that sweet, sweet welfare cash.

I only ever hear white women (and I guess Patton Oswalt) make these kinds of declarations

I really dislike people talking about misogyny and racism as opposing, even competing forces. Even if it wasn’t overly simplistic, it implies that misogyny and racism are two discrete, non intersecting forces of oppression, and that misogyny therefore only happens to white women. Women of color (like Holtzclaw’s

“There is nothing that Gov. McCrory or his legal team are going to be able to do to undo what is just basic math,”

Having a mental illness does not preclude you from being responsible for a lot of your actions. To excuse everything he has done or said under the umbrella of mental illness is dangerous. Just because he has mental illness does not mean we have to now treat him as if he is flawless and everything he says or does is

not to sound like a broken record, but she didn’t step foot in wisconsin during the general, she hardly campaigned in michigan, and she went after light (moderate republicans) voters in the philly suburbs and arizona —voters that would flip R at the drop of...idk...an FBI letter.

I don’t think it’s blame, it’s pointing out the facts. Mistreatment leads to resentment. Terrorists can’t recruit people who are happy with their lot in life. It doesn’t mean you should give them everything they want. And it certainly doesn’t justify the backlash, but it’s crazy to think you can mistreat a group of

I’ve alerted the National Association for the Advancement of Clown People to get their verdict....