I cantbelieveitsnot-butter

Not shaming of anyone. As someone else pointed out, many people deal with both issues. I just know that when I depended on pain medication long term, a lot of judgement came towards me that was not necessary. Chronic pain tends to get ignored as a real issue. There is a lot of concern about a person becoming addicted

I think what was meant is that she was the first to notice that he was overdosing on the flight, not the first to notice that he had drug dependencies in general.

“We knew it was only a matter of time; we had to get him down,” she told herNYT interviewer. “We didn’t have anything on the plane to help him.”

It sounds very sincere, almost overwrought considering that what happened was beyond her control after she made the poor decision to mix alcohol and meds. It's too bad that most celebrities who say/do stupid/offensive/hurtful/disruptive shit when they're fully aware of their actions don't know how to apologize like

Agreed. Imagine a scenario in which we had the first black president, then the first female president, and then the first Latino president in succession? That would be so fucking amazing.

All very true. I was, of course, joking.

That would make me so proud I would cry.

And how cool would it be if the first Africa-American president was followed by the first woman president, followed by the first Latino president? That would be pretty awesome.

Oh please, they turned on Warren the second she endorsed Clinton.

Yeah they don’t do that any more though, surprise surprise.

Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Imagine Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada and even Florida all turning reliably blue with all the Latino vote. All those states blue! I can dream.

Ha ha the Bernie Bros keep swearing up and down they would vote for Warren. I would love to see their reaction if Warren were to run with Clinton.

I think its hilarious that people (who have been voting for double male tickets for-literally-ever) think that’d it’d be too much to have two women atop the ticket.

I’m betting she’ll go with the older white man, since it seems safest, but I’d love it if she picked Warren. Both to see the drama from Bernie’s worst supporters and to have two women on the ticket.

White males are always the ones fulminating against affirmative action quotas because, y’know, people should be chosen based on MERIT. So I’m sure they would totally vote for a ticket with two meritorious, non-white-male candidates - amirite?

picking a white man won’t move the white male demographic. she’s not concerned about the white male demographic - white males haven’t voted democratic since 1964. she needs to supercharge the progressive vote, and the women vote. guess who fits that bill to a T?

Unless they can clone her, stat, I hope she doesn't chose Warren. I love her, but she is fighting the good fight right where she is (although I'd love to see her do her own POTUS run someday).

I tend to agree with Barney Frank (I think he said it?). Any senator/congressperson with a Republican governor needs to stay put for now. The seats are too important.

Bernie has no business on that list anyway nor should people continue to act like it is a reasonable possibility. We stopped giving he VP slot as a runner-up a long term ago.