Either abortion is a decision between a woman and her doctor or it’s not.
Either abortion is a decision between a woman and her doctor or it’s not.
I don’t know. I started feeling a little uncomfortable with Bernie when his surrogates and supporters went after Planned Parenthood as “establishment” after their endorsement of Hillary. His refusal to address that in any meaningful way made me skeptical that reproductive rights are a priority to him at all.…
I was mocking the Facebook woman because no one gets abortions at 36 weeks barring some sort of complication, it’s a moot point. But this person and other commenters genuinely seemed to believe that open abortion regulations means that women will have abortions after viability.
I’m still laughing at Carly Fiorina pretending to be a feminist. Does she actually know what that word means? If Carly was a feminist, she we would not be Carly.
broken clocks, etc. etc.
Pretty sure it’s a troll. I’d give him 3/10.
Termination of a pregnancy at 36 weeks is called “birth” and that person is called a “loon”.
Trumps going to bring our nation together? As long as it consists of racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, poorly read, dipshits who will act against their best self interests and have zero empathy or tolerance for anyone else, then yeah, TanTrump is doing a hecku’va job!
Don’t worry! As long as he whores for every reporter who waves a mic at him provocatively he can’t move center. When he has been coached within an inch of his life AND has a working teleprompter he can maybe sometimes pretend to be center. Twitter, off the cuff interviews, any questions leveled by reporters or…
Oh they know. They just think the following people are better off dead:
I wish I’d taken a screen shot of this Facebook post I had on my feed this week. A woman posted a pic of her baby born at 36 weeks with a comment along the lines of “And Hillary Clinton wants to make it legal for women who are 36 weeks pregnant to abort their baby. She’s a monster!” I posted to that complete stranger…
Well two important things happen at the federal level:
@KittenFluff: A PM response should be waiting for you, but I can't help but share my rape counseling story with the gang. The counselor I saw (a woman) said that she understood how I felt because she once had a boy in college insist she give him a blow-job (she didn't). God, my heart just fell into my stomach with the…
@gina_rienne: @TruculentandUnreliable: @Mama Penguino: @clevernamehere: Thank you guys for sticking it out and trying to educate others on this thread. I'm sorry your reasoned reponses seem to fall on deaf ears. I think the problem is that many men simply do not understand what rape is, because we as a society refuse…
@TruculentandUnreliable: For many years, I wasn't even able to see a movie about rape, read an article about rape or listen to people talk about rape because I was so anxious and sick that someone might blame the woman (and I'd been blaming myself for my own rape that happened at age 17) and to hear that people might…
@ceejeemcbeegee (AKA!): Insist thhat your rape kit not only tests for semen, but for DNA in general and for spermicides and traces of condom use if you aren't sure...
I was date-raped in high school and no one believed me. Him - sexy athlete. Me - chubby bookworm. Only when I mentioned to my best friend that I had been a virgin did she then decide to believe me. When the eff-you-cee-kay are we going to stop with the disbelief already??? Trying to share such news in the face of…