
Think he's great at concept work but struggles at practicality

Common thread is upping the ante in the adult themes and violence. It helps add gravitas to their work.

Why don't you tell me some more about Mac's famous mac n cheese?

You won't find a better steak in an Arcade environment.

There is a storm coming! ( of good acting) AND NOT A ONE OF YOU (any actor not named Michael Shannon) is ready for it.

Clever girl

When he knocked up the landlord's daughter and said heeeeee suddenly has an urge to fleeeee (shatner voice)

He did make an excellent Big Giant Head

Shawn should be 1 of 4 actors:

This movie is such a winner.

The Exorcist III was actually pretty good. However, I'm a huge George C. Scott fan so maybe I'm biased.

JCVD was the villain in Black Eagle. I remember as a kid being confused, sad, and then angry when he died at the end of it.

It would be too out of character for Russell to be the shooter. Belinda…i could see her. Especially after "end of the line, slut." Too obvious though.

Michael Shannon. One of the most underrated actors alive.

Damn. Spot on

Shout out to the direction and performances for taking a well tread path and making it compelling. I can only imagine how difficult that must be to pull off.

Cage may be a joke at his own expense. But you gotta admit as an actor, the guy is fearless. And when he hits, I think he can be as good as anyone.

Ego tripping at the gates of Del