
No, no, no... these clips go viral, and do more to spread the truth to some folks than if they were to watch an entire day of MSNBC. She allowed Jen Kerns to sit there and wiggle in the flame long enough to toast her backside without it seeming like overkill, which is exactly why she didn’t allow the other panelist to

Not necessarily. I know a couple of people who are against kneeling. They find it disrespectful...blah...blah...blah.

You know, an uncle or Daddy’s old frat buddy.

Jesus Christ who’s hiring all these idiots into the add department?

I’m thinking I was one of the few people impressed by Flake’s speech. Fuck that after the fact this. You knew who he was at the start. Only fools thought he was going to become “presidential.” Don’t fucking act shocked now.

Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?


Don’t you fucking dare invoke MLK to defend Nazis.

If you think embracing a nazi or your sworn enemy will bring enlightenment or a sense of brotherhood, you are sadly mistaken. And i’m sick of Black people constantly expecting others to love us if we’d only embrace, pray for, or forgive them. Nazis are our enemies, they want to destroy us. How long will it take for us

I’m glad he’s showing his ass. Now we can put to rest the bullshit “he’s serving out of duty and honor. He’s keeping us safe!” Nope he’s complicit and is there because he wants to be there.

No doubt. Never forget that the fact that Tamir Rice had a 36" waist was cited as an excuse for being shot on sight by an incompetent, bag of garbage juice wearing a badge. Fuck these cheerleaders and double fuck the school district that excuses this type of bullshit.

They are still children? If they were Black they’d be tried as adults. Typical coddling of white people and then they wonder why we say they refuse to take responsibility for their fuck shit.

“We’re sorry. These young people were educated by us. This is the exact result anyone would expect from that scenario.”

Why is it they always have to play god with everything.

All the hurried sentences and grammar mistakes tip to this being grade A troll work. No one could span racism like that without a premeditated plan.

I love how she tries to spin him hitting her on her shitty policies (that she attempted to turn into legislation!) into a personal attack. But that is just what I expect from The 53% nowadays. They are all just awful.

Big mad.

*Sigh* Apparently white supremacy has no new tricks, never gets tired, and doesn’t take days off.

It’s quite impressive how many cliched areas she went to in that 54 seconds, with claiming to be above personal attacks before then immediately attacking his intelligence being the main one.