I just HAD to read the spin on this myself. Absolutely shameful. Snyder should be in jail for his gross negligence and failure to be proactive about Flint. I hope he and this racist scum rot in hell
I just HAD to read the spin on this myself. Absolutely shameful. Snyder should be in jail for his gross negligence and failure to be proactive about Flint. I hope he and this racist scum rot in hell
Yup. These “Kloset Klanners” have been poking their heads through them doors since November 8...
This actually came as something of a surprised, as she was seen as one of the most apolitical of any of Snyder’s appointments, and had worked well with the local forces in Flint, Saginaw and Detroit. Turns out she was all around here undercover Klanning in the whole time, the heifer.
“It is a choice for students to participate in extracurricular activities, not a right, and we at Bossier Schools feel strongly that our teams and organizations should stand in unity to honor our nation’s military and veterans,”
This is why I laughed at people who are asking NFL corporate to take a firm position on these issues.
I said this the moment the Steelers announced they’d be staying in the locker room. Kaepernick’s protest was done. It had lost its meaning completely. All these people who suddenly decided to join in weren’t protesting police brutality, they were protesting the president.
What’s mind boggling is that SI could have killed it, even from the perspective of trying to report on this with “objectivity” or “distance” by putting his outline at the front, kneeling, filled in with black.
“Black people built this country. Not like everyone else. More than everyone else. For free.”
This is exactly how I felt when I found out about the story. Like how the hell did I not know this?
Depends if your concept of beauty includes “having a soul.”
Except she ain’t that pretty.
I’m actually amazed this documentary is even happening. Talking about an unknown black woman’s rape. Damn. This is the history we’re supposed to forget (like it was 400 years in the past), even though she’s still alive. Even moreso we’re supposed to forget it because it happened to someone ordinary and it was…
You know I was thinking this morning that anyone black in Alabama needs to be at least thinking about a way out.
I don’t think she’s ever said it out loud, but Ivanka Trump is in government and is a pretty dope
This world would be a better place if we had more women in government saying “pretty dope”.
I 100% support the elbow thrust or the “oops, my bad” elbow drop. If you are going to claim that you were unaware that thrusting your hooves into my personal space was socially unacceptable, I’m going to claim that I didn’t notice the fucking things before I aggressively adjusted my armrests.
I’m sorry, but if you’re not going to pay attention I’m not going to continue debating you.
If you think that rightfully calling Donald Trump a white supremacist or calling out white supremacy is on par with some asshat dropping n-bombs on Twitter, then you’re a goddamn idiot who is too stupid to be allowed to play with the shiny electronic device.
Bitch get bent.
so basically she’s a Stacy Dash wannabe... sigh.