Really nice piece, Michael!
Really nice piece, Michael!
Same way strung out junkies in the suburbs are in “crisis” while the “urbans” are reaping what they sow.
I just dismissed one who said white people aren’t the ones crying over the police killing them. So because my neighbor’s husband beats her ass I should be okay with him coming in my house and beating mine? The fuck kind of “logic” is that?
Extra weird coming from a bunch of people who have nothing better to do with…
These fuckers always seem to ignore the fact that cops target Black people and when you are looking for problems only in one group you will only find them in that group.
Came to comment. Read yours. Humbly walked away because you shut shit down.
This is what happens when you have NO black people at a company. White people think things are okay that are not.
Our justices system is a complet joke.... the only people held accountable for crime are minorities and people who are poor and can’t afford good representation.... United States a nation of Laws..... Badly written and randomly enforced about sums it up.
Nobody thought it was strange that the titles of two of his collections were “Tous Les Yeux Sur Moi” and “Strictement Pour Mes Niggas”
That’s what you get when raised on a steady diet of pop culture morality and American Exceptionalism.
“White guys hats good, black guys hats bad”
“America is the greatest country in the world, so if you’re having a bad time (ie. not a straight, white, Christian man) it must be your own fault.”
I despise all who misuse that statistic, and anyone that twists data to fit the narrative of Black criminalisation deserves to be shut down immediately.
Everytime I hear him speak I am filled with hope.
The thing is, what they are doing is actually disrespectful to the flag. They are refusing to honor it at all. The players are the ones who are still honoring the flag by silently kneeling during the anthem. By refusing to take part at all they are disrespecting the flag and everything it stands for, including the…
EXACTLY! Appropriation is bad enough, but I especially HATE these negative aspects being the cornerstone of her “brand”.
I refuse to believe that she is not at least 26 years old. The fuck?
Beckeisha with the cheap hair.
ugh. well, for a few bright, shining moments I got to imagine it as funny in my head...
Stephen Harper likes Nickelback. So does Ted Cruz. And you. So yeah, not everybody, but y’know...
LMAO. I’m here for this. Sign me up for next time.
My company is owned by two very proud Orthodox Jews. I don’t even think I’d have any negative consequences if I got in legal trouble for beating up a no-foolin’ Nazi.
i like seeing em exposed and getting all butthurt on camera.