
Haha yes, that's exactly why I replied. Your effort did not go to waste, kind madam/sir.

Yes, this!! WOT always has too many comments to make sense of, at least to my taste. I wish there was an 'expand all comments' option though, that would make things a LOT easier.

I'm still desperately wishing for A.V. Club reviews of Last Week Tonight.

I've watched some UnREAL and I'm loving it too :) thanks!

Whoop whoop *does a little dance*

I actually watched it already, totally loved it. There's a second season in the making, not?

Watched the first two episodes this morning, thanks for the recommendation! I can't stop laughing at 'Mr No-RRRRREL'.

Also I might be slightly intoxicated. (But I live in the Netherlands, so it's more than a halfway an appropriate time to be in this state.)

Wow OK thanks guys!! knew you were the bunch to ask. Muchos love, XOXO and such.

Hello there fellow TV addicts! Virtually all the TV shows I'm interested in, have had their (season) finale. Normally I would just download a bunch of pilots to check out the summer TV season, but I'm a bit short on time. Can any of you guys recommend stuff that's airing now or maybe started airing in the last year?

My memory is failing me, what female co-star got fired?

Not nearly enough comments for this very fun episode. Stephen Colbert was a delight as Father Mike (the former Staten Island's Virginity Thief) and Mindy's interactions with him were hilarious. "That was an awesome 'speech'!" "Best part of the 'show'!"

This should be true for any well written non-fiction text. The middle should only be an elaboration, not a crucial part of understanding.

Was it though? I didn't really feel that way, as all of the people on board seemed to be fine with Abby 'transitioning' and apparently she even got more popular after the announcement.

Thanks for the info! But that still doesn't explain why they put an 'What's on tonights' segment on the night before the stuff is actually on. Questions, questions..

Quick question: isn't it somewhere deep in the night for you guys in the US? Why does the 'What's on tonight' segment always get online at such a crazy time of the day and who are all of these commenters that have already commented?

Try reading stuff on Literotica

So how many wins did the A.V. Club get right this year?

Well it really also does depend on people's history as well. If I am drunk and initiate sex with my boyfriend, that's an entirely different situation from just meeting someone in a bar and initiating sex with them. I suppose Connor and Oliver have sufficient history together to have some drunk sex.