
Their “stance” tends to fall to the side of, “Gamers are in general idiots who have no idea how the games they love are actually made and the restrictions and compromises that go into making them happen. As a result, their overemotional overreactions to perceived slights by the industry do far more harm to the games

My crazy southern uncle has been posting talking points from Alex Jones all over his facebook about “near similar poly counts” between models for weeks. I’m getting really worried now because his new thing he believes is that the “missing animations” are trapped in a server in the basement of a pizza parlour that

Two things (well, three, but I’ll get to the third in a moment):

First, don’t ever apologize for disagreeing with me. I’m aware my verbiage can sometimes make it seem like I think I’m infallible, but I’m absolutely not; I’m just as capable as anyone else of being wrong, and if I’ve missed something (or in this case,

This was legit my most frequented blog on the internet. I will miss all of you.

RIP Splinter

I miss Splinter’s coverage daily. Loved that it was a (in the best possible terms) mixed bag of what to expect. It was clear that there was a mission to write, and write well about basically anything. RIP Splinter.

I loved Splinter / Deadspin because...

Splinter dies and this world becomes a little less enjoyable.

Splinter was a damn good website.

I’m gonna go ahead and guess none of this is actually hypothetical, and I’m going to stand in solidarity with you.

I didn’t start drinking while gaming in any serious way until Demons’ Souls came out. I was twenty-seven at the time.

I’d been drinking since I was twenty-one, and tended to be a heavy drinker when I did

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

It’s... sort of building its voice. Every next episode is better than the previous one so far. It’s easy to dismiss it as “haha, aren’t hicks stupid”, but it’s actually sympathetic to its characters, and shows that there are characters of very different kinds in that world. Honestly, I think it can be good.

Oh Rodger, you'll just have sex with the blank checks. 

Please send all blank checks, money orders, cash, cocaine, or wigs to:

Yeah, I’m for it. Have time, get the results you want, maybe avoid crunching to death. Seems good all around.

I prefer a delay to pushing out a game that isn’t ready.

Brack’s statement concerning Blitzchung’s statements “having had nothing to do with their decision” is about as full of shit as it gets. They absolutely kowtowed to China, and now they’re trying to reverse course amidst a firestorm of pushback.

Here’s the thing: corporations absolutely have the right to associate

They most certainly have that right.

This is the second one of these that I’ve seen and neither of them offer a swapable face button modules. I just want my monsterpiece controller of having dual sticks up top and dual dpads on bottom. Why does the world deny me this?