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Never underestimate the economic and political power of angst teenage boys.

Brack’s statement concerning Blitzchung’s statements “having had nothing to do with their decision” is about as full of shit as it gets. They absolutely kowtowed to China, and now they’re trying to reverse course amidst a firestorm of pushback.

Here’s the thing: corporations absolutely have the right to associate

They most certainly have that right.

This is the second one of these that I’ve seen and neither of them offer a swapable face button modules. I just want my monsterpiece controller of having dual sticks up top and dual dpads on bottom. Why does the world deny me this?

Dallas police say there is no suspect information available at this time.”

some additional information: only UC mobile suits are in this game (no wing or G gundam etc)

1955 Mercedes 300SLR #722. Yes because of the history and yes because of the performance/sound but also for the pedal arrangement. Only after sitting in #704 a few years ago did I realize there’s about a foot gap between the clutch and brake pedals as the driver has to straddle a pretty sizable bell housing. Would

Agreed. My husband and I own three guns, and we keep all of them locked up round the clock, save for when we go to a range. While transporting them to the range we keep them in cases and the pistols go in a backpack. Don’t want to risk someone stealing them or being freaked out by them. I wouldn’t imagine just

True. Some feel they need a firearm to compensate. Much like the kid with a jacked up truck bought with daddy’s money or the kid down the street with the 200 pound fighting dog.

Yeah I am in Louisiana so I hear you on that. My favorite is people who try to tell you that if you ban guns you have to ban knives and cars and everything, and I’m like “so why aren’t you happy giving up your gun and replacing it with a knife if it’s exactly the same?”

No 21XX for them, it's a whole new Universal Century.

Tomato, for all the various piles of shit you’ve excreted into the ether around here, this has to be one of the dumbest.

It’s not badly-written, to be fair—but god damn, man, the guy struck protesters with a truck. The thing about being in law enforcement (or the military, for that matter) is that members are held to a

“I’m just doing my job.” Now, where have we heard that before?


Respectfully, I have two cheers for this sentiment.

The other 26% must only do coop with friends.

“Fuck you, I got mine” is a core GOP value.

“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”