
You know who else had a great economy at the expense of basic human rights...

Why would he “back down” from the thing that won him the election in 2016?

The truth does have a bit of a liberal bias, doesn’t it?

He’s auditioning for a cabinet position.

ok thank you for your helpful contribution to our blogsite

Did Thiel really just request the torture and interrogation of his business rivals?

I mean, I still have my job, so... no?

I think they were yelling “No showers!” because they know what result came from the showers in the last big concentration camps in history...

AOC, also:

Naw. That twinkle of glee in his eyes, and that excited smirk, means the racism took over before reason could. I’m sure he muttered, “Got one!” under his breath as he reached for his phone.

Time's change.  People change.  The inability of politicians to say "Hey, I used to be a dumbass." Is really mind boggling.  He's been a public figure for decades.  He could have gotten a softball interview with the good lighting any time he wanted. He could have been on the record years ago saying "I did stupid

Nope. The problem with this paradigm is that the “bad apples” operate openly within the larger force. If the force was good, these bad apples would be immediately apprehended by their colleagues and held accountable. They aren’t. QED.

It’s not that I disagree; there are some bad apples.

Zuckerberg will tearfully address a joint session of Congress and explain how nobody knew that money could be used to finance terrorism and human trafficking, and this is just part of the learning curve that comes from inventing brand new things.

Just like all tech major disrupters they will jam this through without consequence. The government will be too slow to react or effectively regulate this.  

I love medieval aesthetics, but the deus vult motherfuckers that flock to these games are maybe the most toxic corner of the gaming community.

But he doesn’t wear puffy director pants!

My fave was the orange RX-7 FD. mmmmmmmm

This was always my favorite car in the movie. 

Remember kids, the best way to sell stolen property is in a very public place, with a permanent record, and an account that can be traced back to you. Nobody will ever catch you if you do that.