
“Well shoot. I kinda want to see it, but I ain’t seen the 65 movies comin’ before.”

Let's start referring to gun deaths as post-partem abortions.

Art museums still seem pretty safe.

Yeah, that notorious left wing rag the Wall Street Journal is really into Marxist propaganda these days.

I’d argue the opposite. He knows very much what he can and cannot say. He knows what Comey did when he shot the fucking gun long before appropriate and ran his mouth, imploding trust in the FBI, the CIA and had gotten us into this mess (partially) through Comey’s choices.

As Mueller stated “The Constitution requires other process other than the criminal justice system to accuse a sitting president.

I’m looking forward to “Pokémon Master Baiting”, to teach young trainers how to become top notch fishermen.

I guess Jobs’ oncologist cracked a few too many jokes when he recommended surgery.

Der President is not even playing multi-dimensional chess anymore! He is playing an ultra-strategy game he himself alone invented that is beyond the comprehension of mere mortals! Truly the geniusest genius that has ever blessed the Earth and probably the entire cosmos! Many fine planets are saying so!”

I have an original Space Ghost Coast to Coast animation cel signed by George Lowe and C. Martin Croker on my wall.

I mean, I know nobody cares, but I felt like sharing.

Now playing

I’ve been waiting 22 years for this clip to be relevant, and now it finally has happened!

Yeah there’s not enough whiskey on the planet.

It boggles the mind that someone can see him clothed and decide, “I want the dick that’s attached to this pile of damp, whiskey-scented flesh.”

Remember, though, it’s the Democrats that are the “snowflakes.”

I partially blame reality tv for the dumbing down of America. Fox News has an equal part in this too. The easily influenced have learned that whoever screams the loudest and acts the dumbest wins. I just truly fear what the final episode of this shitty show will look like & hope we don’t get a sequel.

This is literally the national-level equivalent of a middle school kid putting their friends on blast because “you said mean things about me.”

I know there are a thousand other reasons to be concerned about Trump being anywhere near—let alone occupying—the office of POTUS, but his absolutely flabbergasting emotional

The Trump campaign also saves tens of millions of dollars in legal fees by not consulting any election law experts before doing anything that might violate campaign finance laws.

We need commonsense impact gun control!

I love that he has to keep serving fast food because everyone made fun of him for it once, and he is constitutionally incapable of allowing even the implication he might have been wrong by serving better food now.

I tend to be fine there so long as a physics mod isn’t installed or a mod that adds in travelers in that area.