
Outraged, President Trump has retaliated by declaring that he too will outlaw US media organizations.

Didn’t Pod 6 win it one year?

We do accept it.  We just don’t particularly enjoy it.

There oughtta be a congressional investigation on whether Time reached out to the Trump administration at all. If not, this would be a perfect opportunity to 25th Amendment his ass - “You mean he just made up the invite out of whole cloth? Who does that?”

Or Barack Obama, since Trump has dedicated his presidency to undermining all of Obama’s accomplishments. I think that if the magazine spun it as “look how far we’ve fallen from this once highly respected office” and also focused on how a sizable number of people wish that Obama could have served a 3rd term, Trump

You sound like a fun person to be around...

through the skies above the Mojave Desert ghost town of Amboy at up to 500 miles per hour for roughly one mile, attaining a peak altitude of 1,800 feet

Not a mile up. 1800 feet.

Cool maybe I’ll by a plane ticket that flies over the site so I can watch an idiot 28,000 feet below me explode.

Did you expect better from someone who says maths formulas isn’t science?

Understanding that the earth is a sphere isn’t rocket science...it’s rocket formula.


It’s too soon to start talking about The Wall; and where does Trump get off trying to politicize the death of this fine, young officer?

nope — morrowind is where it’s at.

Still waiting for that Toaster Oven port.

If you’re concerned about buying from people with questionable backgrounds, Mercedes-Benz probably wasn’t a good choice in the first place.

Yes if boy. No if girl, something racist about cucking the black man. +10 percentage points for girl + rape.

What if Moore was accused of attempting to date a Black teenager, would that be the straw that broke the camel’s back?

It’s funny that expensive German cars are built in Alabama and the first response is an ‘elitist snowflake’ jab at someone who can buy one of these expensive cars that are built in Alabama.

Ideology trumps all else for the present GOP. That’s why they’ll play partisan games with the economy, with healthcare, with our environment. All that matters is winning. Trump is just a symptom of the larger problem.