
I don’t know or care how much your situation and my situation compare. I do know that I pay taxes now, and I used to get a tax refund. Does it suck? Yeah, kinda. But now that my husband and I are both educated professionals, nothing is stopping us from up and deciding to be poor again. We could TOTALLY go back to low

Taxes being raised on income below $418K is not giving up everything you worked so hard (debatable) for.

What’s super fucked is the fact that lots of people idolize the 50's and 60's. One of the defining features of the 5o’s and 60's? Sweet, sweet gubmint cash. Schools were super well funded. Christ, you could get driver’s ed in your average high school up until practically the 80's. That’s like $400-500 right there. You

What’s your end game? Was that therapeutic to you, or are you looking for some yes-men..?

Civ games have been some of my favorite games for ages but Civ 6 is the first time where I was like ‘eh, whatever.’ I played two or three games of it, and then uninstalled it and went back to Civ 5 whenever I’ve had a Civ itch.I don’t know that it’s something Firaxis can fix at this point, but I guess I remain

When I was coming up in SC, Eminem was like top choice among Confederate flag waving assholes. So hopefully there are some hearts broken about this.

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

Trump is slowly chipping off all our allies so that they turn to Russia for friendship now. Maybe that is his hidden agenda.

That’s right, walk it back /eyeroll

How odd. FOX is reporting this as “Trump slams Corker” and Breitbart isn’t reporting it at all. I guess we do live in a liberal media bubble.

You mean other than they fly Nazi flags, use Nazi salutes, parrot Nazi philosophy, wear Nazi uniforms, and worship previous Nazi leaders as heroes to the white race?

I grew up in Boston, where Irish Catholics, Italians, old line Beacon Hill/ North Shore WASPs, etc all had their own enormous cultural buffets to feast from- churches, lodges, country clubs, community centers, neighborhoods, heritage, history. There was never, ever any question of “Whites” having their cultural

Nothing says, “strong political movement” like having to march covertly and leave before anyone really notices that you were there.

They struggled to synchronize their chants.

I’m sure you didn’t mean to blame the victim here or nuttin like that, except that’s totally what you just did.

He obviously didn’t plan to kill her. My guess is, he took her out on the sub thinking it would impress her, he made a move on her and she rejected or laughed at him and he killed her in a rage. He’s a megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur. Can’t have that bubble getting popped now, can he?

Yeah it sounds like they’ll arrest everyone that looks latino, take them to another state, and figure out if they’re illegal or not, eventually.

My immediate thoughts as, apparently, not a fan:

Here’s a comment from the grays that sums up their outrage: