
There may be a legal challenge to the Constitutionality of the pardon.

I remember years ago when Hunter S Thompson was fighting a trumped-up sexual assault charge, which the local cops used to search Owl Farm and confiscate his guns. The Guardian ran a piece by Ralph Steadman, in which he called for fans to help cover HSTs legal bills. His one big point; “make sure all cheques are made

That’s because the core goal of the alt-right is to just be fucking angry. No good reason required. Just find something to be angry about.

And protesting people they likely never have and never will encounter in their tiny little lives. My mother retired to a rural mountain area, and I’ve seen so many trucks with anti-Islam stickers. There’s not a Muslim for 200 miles! And they’re not clamoring to come live there!

It’s pure Spectacle. If you accept that this is a reality show presidency, then everything about it makes some twisted sort of sense. At the same time, the shock setting in that this is really happening and you disassociate from yourself and somewhere along the line ponder that there’s a frighteningly large portion of

Because there is a key difference between a reason and an excuse. The reason he flies the rebel flag and says, “coon?” He’s a racist. The excuses he gives are that it’s history and that he made a mistake.

Wilson at least was competent until his stroke and had a wife who actually gave a fuck. Trump has been incompetent from the moment he threw his toupee in the ring.

B/c they live in comfortable little bubbles that are often out of touch with much to most of the rest of the world. They are so culturally stunted that they don’t know anything else.... or just refuse to acknowledge it.

A few months ago when I was having a conversation with a trumpster, I had mentioned how most other presidents love to read, and trump never reads and can only absorb a couple of bullet points. Her answer? “That’s because he’s a DO-er, a man of action who can’t sit around just reading!” I think it is more sickening to

You Russians really have trouble with articles and plurals, don’t you?

Please don’t lump the president in with those of us with ADD. We’re far better at controlling our impulses, thankyouverymuch!

This sounds like a behavior plan for a child with a diagnosed disability. Or the plan for providing structure for a toddler.

“I’M A JERB CREATOR!!! ‘Cept when I’m cutting them.” - Trump

The use of “unforeseen” is especially fitting.

No need, they covered the topic. Dumb shit.

You are insufficiently informed about the topic under discussion to contribute.

Transgender people aren’t mentally ill. That’s it. That’s all you need to know.

if you ignore bullying, you are complicit in it, and thus condoning it.

because trans people are a demographic that is unique in the sheer volume of hatred, discrimination, and bullying faced by it’s constituents.