
I’d love to see him try to pull that at a real golf club he doesn’t own and see how it works out. Preferably one that doesn’t care who he is, but does care that some loud orange buffoon is driving directly on their putting green.

Sandwich math. We have a new metric.

$1.30 a pound. You can’t even get deli bologna for that price. Oscar Meyer on sale maybe. Neither one will be this yellow either. NP because sandwich math.

How are you contributing to the conversation? I couldn’t find anywhere that she said there were not other internet media posters with Ferraris.

I honestly got 2/3rds of the way through this thinking there was some buildup to a joke. No, you really are that cartoonish.

He wants you to know how much he doesn’t care!

How much does Thiel pay you for Controlled Opposition? Stocks in Ambrosia?

omg shut the fuck up and get out, peter

I am sorry that they do not cater everything to your specific needs, wants, and desires. This great injustice must not continue. Oh the horror, THE HORROR, that you must go through.

This is conservatism in a nutshell. Smaller government. Self sufficiency. No handouts. No interference with local issues. Climate change denial. But, goddammit, they expect the government to cover the costs of relocation because it’s never a handout when they are the ones needing help.

The “deep state spear” is Newt’s biggest fear and the terror that keeps him up at night: A big ol’ gay liberal dong that thrusts deep into the ‘Murican dream and pumps it full of rainbows and compassion. Oh! And the dong is black, and thinks that women should be allowed to vote.

A guy I work with went on a vacation to Mexico last week. He was back today and told me about a guy from Texas he met there on the trip and had a conversation with. They talked about trump and the Texas guy said “you know, my guy (trump) is really fucking up. But it’s hard for me to admit that because then that

So, in what could potentially be the greatest political scandal in American history, Donald Trump, after a lot of careful thought and consideration, has clearly decided to go with the following defense:

You think promoting an idea that a business is running a pedophilia ring falls under “promoting stupid fucking ideas” and not slander? The YouTube videos are being specifically mentioned in the court case as the reason why he wanted to shoot up the place. It isn’t a stretch to say that had YouTube acted faster, this

Youtube already has pages and pages of rules outlining content that isn’t allowed on their site. What the fuck are you talking about

Sure, its his responsibility ultimately, but I doubt he would have marched into a Pizza Parlor in DC with a weapon if it wasn’t for InfoWars.

Fake News! Everyone knows that rising up against government officials is only a liberal issue now. Championed by the voice of all liberals, Kathy Griffin.

I would pay top dollar for someone to ‘leak’ the ACA online but tell everyone it’s the newest version of TrumpCare. Let the Breitbart crowd get on board with it.

Why even bother? All they have to do is re release Obamacare and call it Trumpcare and their baseceill eat it up. They didn’t hate Obamacare because it was bad they hated it because Obamas name is on it (even though they’re the ones who put his name on it. Just use the same plan and they’ll never know the difference