
Is Hillary Clinton now, or has she ever been, president of the United States of America? No? Then we can stop talking about her and start talking about the on-going treason in the current Oval Office.

Apparently people like you still come here and read and comment on political articles, so why would they not post them?

If you’re looking for a bubble to exist in where you don’t have to read updates on our inevitable slide into impeachment and/or a constitutional crisis thanks to the actions of the idiot you

I was just mentioning this to someone else. We don’t even NEED investigations because he literally tells us the stupid shit he did and is proud of it.

How does it feel watching your boy go down?

Well except that every time Trump has eventually corroborated it himself.

Not if the Pence impeachment drags out beyond January 2019.

I’m not sure if I believe that the stated reason for Flynn quitting is the same thing as the actual reason. I wouldn’t be surprised if Pence and others had been fully aware of the degree of Flynn’s contact with Russian officials.

Wait, the media didn’t jump on Hillary for the email scandal?

Remember that the reason Flynn quit was because he told Pence he didn’t discuss sanctions with Russian officials when- no fucking shit- the intelligence community had tapes of him doing exactly that. He quit/was fired because he lied to the VP.

“This reaction didn’t happen 20 years ago so I’m going to ignore treason today!”

So Paul Ryan’s going to be President?

Look at the newspaper he’s holding, it’s a New York Times.

Well, I guess I haven’t said this in a few days:

The post-it note actually says Jim“Mad Dog” Mattis.

I think David Brooks nailed it in his column yesterday:

Hey Netanyahu, you still sure you want Trump over Hillary?

Let me give you an example of what I heard fat mouth Rush say today in defense of the President and Republicans everywhere. Stop me please if you have heard this one before of course.

This is FoxtrotAlpha - a sub blog dedicated to national security and military topics.

No. We HAVE to wait for Republicans in congress to feel a serious threat to their reelection chances. And that’s not going to happen until their constituents are freed from the the Fox News Matrix reality that they don’t even know that they’re stuck in.