
He’s really mad about gen Z screwing up his Tulsa rally isn’t he?

I mean at what point does gross negligence kick in? You’re 100% correct. He had the briefs in February, we are dying out here because of a lack of a coherent response from the federal government. Seriously I hope everyone of his craven enablers is marked with this for the rest of their lives.

Thank you to all my well wishers, my update. It’ll be ten goddamn whole days till I get my results back, 10. And it’s not like I live in Florida or Texas where the shit is exploding. That’s just apparently how backed up our testing is in Virginia. Make no mistake we have cocked up in every way we could responding to

You know what, fuck it, just straight fuck it. I’m sick as shit and can hardly breathe without an inhaler right now. I go get a COVID test in a few hours that I already know will be positive. I hope all these scumbags catch it and are at least as miserable as my ass is right now. Had to wait four goddamn days to even

I’ll see you’re traffic argument and raise you driving in a town like Lynchburg VA where I swear every stop light is positioned on an uphill slope. Your clutch game has to be on point not to get rear ended, and I’d still rather drive a manual.

Fair, I don’t know anyone personally whose been effected by this. I assumed it preyed upon the mentally ill (Having been waist deep in a few episodes of my own mind betraying me, it reads like ideas I’d have then). It’s actually genuinely scary if people of sound mind can get caught up in this rabbit hole madness.

I never thought they would find a way to straight weaponize mental instability. I do feel bad for the innocent people who honestly probably just need professional help swept up in this mess, but screw all the sane ones manipulating them and throwing gasoline on the fire.

Give me a turbocharged Skyactiv-X in a new Mazdaspeed anything, and I’ll give Mazda my second new car purchase.

How about an AWD Charger? Call it a T/A package. (Maybe sneak a three pedal 6speed option for good measure)

See here I was going to praise DC Universe for getting me to actually read some comics (their panel by panel thing is great and works well with my dyslexia) and now you’re telling me there’s a place with more? Seriously if they’ve got an IOS app and the aforementioned panel by panel viewer I’d drop my DCU script for

I 100% support “Freedom Gallons”. When I’m full on dumping fuel through my injectors I’ll still be getting at least 55mpg. Still way better than me babying the throttle and milking the clutch to 24ish.

For real, John Malkovitch as Dr. Mallory is the only reason to watch this show. 

I never thought I’d agree with Axl Rose about anything. I guess the Trump administration really is uniting the country.

Shhh. Stop telling people this. I don’t need the price of a five speed R33 GTS-25t sedan going through the roof before I manage to buy one.

So how much is Bloomberg paying you?

At the risk of doxing myself, they won the championship in 1988 in an unsponsored car. They were pretty good at the whole cheating thing.

My dad was left side tire carrier, occasionally gas man, and all time body and paint work on a Busch Team in the 80’s. Can confirm, cheating is like half the sport.

I’m partial to the “Gulf” livery, but I also love orange.

No it’s a cool place, Just be prepared to be harassed by the cops for having the audacity to modify your car. They will pull you, bust out the tape measure to make sure it’s riding high enough, check the decibels of your exhaust or stereo, window tint levels, peek around as much as they can without a warrant looking

Ah, I see you’ve been to Northern Virginia or the Norfolk area. Those roads are anarchy. The slow lane is doing close to 15 over and it just escalates as you move left. I see cops set up on the highways too. I’d visit my mom more if my nerves could handle that drive regularly.