
I’m gonna throw my money behind the dark horse Louisiana.

If you think these are bad watch the live action Initial D movie. *shudders*

So her breaking those ribs was probably a blessing in disguise. The x-rays likely spotted the tumors (or evidence of them, I’m not a doctor). Anyways hang in there girl, we need you.

Counter point. Not everyone reads those sites as well. No need to be a dick.

Been playing Hitman since Contracts. The game is at its best when everything goes sideways. I’m glad that they put all the levels from the last one in 2 as that game’s combat and scoring system were downright punishing. (Full disclosure I also genuinely liked Absolution so my opinion is probably void)

That article was magical. I kept thinking my jaw couldn’t drop any farther, but by the end I had to pick dirt out of my mouth.

Sorry if this has been said before, the BMW in Wheelman was a 5 series. (It was the generation where the M5 was a V10 [I don’t know their internal nomenclature like most jalops, I’m more into JDM] though it only had one exhaust outlet so it clearly wasn’t an “M”). If I’m not mistaken you could get those with a pretty

Yeah, not a very good one at that. It’s a shame Pierce Brosnan went from Golden Eye and Tomorrow Never Dies (super underrated) to the meh World is Not Enough and downright awful Die Another Day.

Fluoridation is a commie plot.

Lol at a DMC Delorean being the cover car. Those things are barely fast enough to get a speeding ticket on the highway.

They do in Bizarro World, where things like alternative facts exist.

I loved him in Hell on Wheels. Please keep trying to make him a thing.

The Z32. I thought that car was sexy since before I even knew what that word meant.

That was probably one of the worst films I have ever seen... and I loved it.

Bonus points if he’s writing it off as a loss to avoid income tax.

Proof that we’re living in an Onion article, you tell me she wouldn’t have been a better casting choice for Mrs. Coulter in The Golden Compass. It’s even her name.

thought we had already established that it was Tommy Wiseau?

Yeah, OSI fixed the Super Soldier serum’s side effects. Before he was taking some sort of suppression injections. 

I suddenly feel a lot better about the candidate in my fifth district writing erotic literature about Bigfoot... at least he’s not this guy.

Do yourself a favor, find a copy of the Principia Discordia. *fades back into the greys*