
I’m gonna treat this as sarcasm, because I don’t think I can handle how plausible that is.

No and I should have put this in there, I do have the utmost respect for those officers that are actually out there to help people. We really need a better way to bridge that gap between average people and local law enforcement. I feel like if a better relationship was formed all around it’d help a lot of the issues

Also a uniform isn’t a race.

Isn’t people seeing the uniform before they see you THE ENTIRE POINT OF UNIFORMS. Also I’m white and I was taught by my parents (also white) from a young age not to trust cops, or direct relatives of cops. (wow now that I think about it that was the only prejudice ever drilled into me) I don’t know if that’s normal

Maybe I’ve seen Tomorrow Never Dies too many times but is anybody else worried about two US war ships colliding with civilian vessels so close together?

He’s just upset he’s not being honored for acting so presidential, lol

I keep wanting to be surprised by how low these guys are willing to go, then I remember they’re Nazis... Then I get angry that there are somehow still Nazis.

That’s the only way to truly banish him to the nether realm.

Breaking news amateur modifies something designed by a team of engineers, experiences worse performance. All jokes aside that is still a cool looking Jeep.


What this country needs is a remake of Mr. Majestyk.

Thank you for this write up. Ever since this event made news I’ve been curious about it and felt that something didn’t add up (weird things fascinate me). This is the most comprehensive article I’ve been able to find. Keep up the good reporting.

It has to work better than trickle down.

Genuine question, why are you still friends with someone who would use an aimbot?Sounds like somebody who would also be a generally shitty person IRL.

The market will always follow what’s profitable, all I hear in your comments is anger that girls are in your treehouse. Bringing games to a wider audience is beneficial to the industry, you’ll still have your single player focused epics (elder scrolls isn’t going anywhere [yes there is an MMO entry in the series but

I don’t think I’ve ever been so riveted by such a gross topic.

I finally sat down and watched 8th MS Team recently, and I totally agree. That Gouf was bad ass. (It’s a shame what Ginias did to the pilot though, I haven’t liked a Zeon Soldier that much since Lt. Quatro himself)

He tore your ass up man. Like damn, I’m genuinely curious to see if you try to come back from that. Also climate change is a fact and the sooner the Republican Party as a whole embraces reality the sooner we’ll stop treating you like you’re idiots.