
Eh say what you will, my response has two more stars than either of your comments, i’ll take that as a victory. Also I didn’t blindly support Obama, I thought we needed a more hawkish approach to the Middle East, hell by those standards I’m probably more of a republican but unfortunately being moderate casts me as

We’ve always cared about Israel, we just don’t blindly support everything they do. Then again I guess blind support is the GOP’s bread and butter right now.

Thank you for making me aware of haaretz, It’s always interesting to see world events from a different country’s perspective.

Well foxtrot Alpha is a sub kinja of Jalopnik and this relates to intelligence and the armed forces so this is where it shows up. Btw I’m all for it getting more staff and becoming its own full Kinja thing.

Hey I’m out of the grays. A follow up, I like every little bit of information I can get on the man in charge of the country. I call it extreme vetting. (does that joke fly?)

Counter point, I’m an adult and I wouldn’t ride in the bed of a pickup going faster than twenty five (yes I grew up in a rural area too). One bad bump and your ass is spread across thirty yards of pavement, or at the very least sore as hell from landing back down in the bed. Not to mention you’d probably go through

Is the article petty, kinda. I’m no worse off because of the information though. Besides got clicks didn’t it.