
Oh, how I missed this show. Glad to have it back.

It was nice to see Sherlock and Marcus being friends. The ending with them going to the insect restaurant reminded me of older Elementary episodes that displayed the evolving camaraderie between Joan and Sherlock and had a lot of heart - and I miss it dearly.

Next season on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

If Aida brings evil Fitz over, can we get two Fitzes, please? I want evil Fitz to be on the show, but I miss my old, nice, adorable Fitz. Double Fitz! A dream!

It might be pointless but I still have hope some Marvel TV characters might appear in Infinity War. Can you imagine having Jessica Jones on big screen? Hell, I'll be fine with Daisy and Fitz from AoS just hanging out in the background.

It's a shame, really. But at least the Marvel TV is doing great things. They had Agent Carter (RIP), Jessica Jones was tremendous and Agents of SHIELD has 3 female badass main characters, two of which are women of colour (Melinda May and Daisy Johnson aka Quake aka Skye aka Mary Sue Poots), and one supporting but

I would love to see everyone on the team give Fitz a group hug because he's going to be fuuuuucked up…

On one hand I hate that they're doing this to my Fitz, but on the other, I am so happy to watch Iain kill it.

Fitz is shaping up to be the best villain the show has ever had which is weird because Fitz is the nicest hero the show has ever had. Iain is amazing.

Oh man, Fitz is awesome. Iain has proved once again that he's a very very VERY talented actor. The last shot of Fitz - him telling Daisy he wants to torture her was just terrifyingly awesome. I hope next episode we'll find out more about his father (obviously the reason why he's such a sadist).

It was written that Lincoln died during an experiment. Does it mean that Fitz, sorry, The Doctor, killed him?

People don't have patience anymore, to be honest. They need something to be good right away and refuse to watch it even after it got time to develop and has become quite good. And, on the other hand, they continue to watch stuff that was great in the first season but gradually gotten worse, because… reasons?

I want to see more Fitz and May interactions, since I always believed their relationship had a lot of potential. And, apparently, in the comics, Fitz asked May out and she said yes, so that's something.

We'll finally get to see (some version) of Fitz's backstory. Yay!

I really enjoyed watching Chloe grow as an actress on the show. Just like Skye/Daisy found herself, so did Chloe (she really found her strengths and weaknesses).

Both Elizabeth and Iain are such great actors, if they were on another (not genre) show, they would definitely get some award recognition.

Well, I thought it couldn't happen, but here it is. I find Iain de Caestecker even more attractive now. Goddammit.

So… Aida created the whole thing just to get together with Fitz? I don't blame you, girl.

Come on, Agents of SHIELD returns tonight. After the last amazing episode (which got an A from AV Club, by the way), I'm so excited to have it back!

Comedy always has a weird, but precise, way of showing many aspects of really complicated and intense issues we (or certain people) face everyday without being over-dramatic which I appreciate greatly.