
I'm not an American so I don't know if this show was advertised 'enough' or not, but I only found out about it because of AV Club coverage. So… there's that.

I stopped watching this show in season 2 only because I just couldn't handle all of the darkness Forrest had to go through. I mean, I love thrillers, dramas and other 'more intense stuff', but this was some dark shit, man….

But… why so many?

If I remember it correctly, the cinemas that played the film just played something live but it wasn't crucial to the story (well, because there isn't really one in the film to begin with) and didn't really add anything that important to the whole experience.

The Tribe should have been nominated for an Oscar, but the stupid Ukrainian film committee members (I honestly forgot what they are called but like… whatever) decided to apply with a film that was so uninspiring and "Oscar-baity", Ukraine wasn't even in the consideration.

Although I understand what you mean, Man with a Movie Camera didn't actually have a score at all. All copies of the films today have music attached, but it was added years after the movie was released. Soviet filmmakers (Dziga Vertov in particular) always loved to show rather than tell, and Man with a Movie Camera was

I laughed like an idiot when Schmidt revealed his first name. I thought he would either have an outlandish, embarrassing name or a really simple, boring one. So him being named Winston was just perfect.

What I find interesting about Rope is that it's not really Hitchcock-ian at all but at the same time you can just tell he directed it. I mean, the whole movie is directed like a play, with the story unraveling before our eyes in a seemingly one take (you can obviously tell when the take ends but it doesn't take away

Bill Hader is awesome and should be in a lot of things. That's all I have to say.

Almost all of the actors kind of suck at Russian, it's not my first language but I speak it fluently (more or less), but without the subtitles I wouldn't understand a thing they were saying. Oliver just sound like an American trying to read Russian for the first time.

Badcomedian? I still have nightmares from one of his reviews of a children movie sometimes…

It's Sava, a reviewer who once gave a bad grade to an excellent episode Agents of SHIELD because he thought they killed a black character (they didn't and it was really obvious), so yeah…

Even though I also am not a huge musicals fan, I liked the actual 'musical' bits, Barry and Kara had amazing chemistry together and I was really surprised by how fantastic Winn was (I had no idea that Jeremy Jordan was a Broadway singer), but the ending of the episode and the whole story was not that great. I would

I think they need to do what Agents of SHIELD does - cutting a season into 2 or 3 'pods' (arcs). That way, every episode actually moves the storyline forward and there are no unnecessary filler episodes.

I miss Bobbi and Hunter :(

He has gradually gotten better and better over the course of two seasons, but still sometimes stutters when under stress. He's a total badass, though. Best character on the show, in my opinion.

It's a crime to have Andy Daly on a show and barely use him.

I don't think she's the worst actress ever or anything like that, but she would be better suited for theater work since she overacts all of the time and it's very noticeable on camera. She is a wonderful role model though, so I don't mind her starring in movies just so she stays in the spotlight and continues to be

The thing is, yeah, Arrow is better than it was last season but it's still dumb. And not fun dumb like it used to be, but just dumb. I feel like many people will just pretend like DCTV is ok when in reality, because of its vast expansion and inability to hire new, competent writers it has started to show how childish

i'm not an Emma Watson fan. I'm just not a fan of her an an actress. Because, let's be honest, she's not that good as an actress.