
Yeah, I'm amazed too. But then I think maybe it's because I'm not confident in my body and hate what I see in the mirror whereas they need to make sure they look just 'right' for the film or whatnot, and maybe they feel more comfortable sharing pictures of themselves with their loved ones? I don't know. All of it

Yeah… And the thing is, you can still have drama but not have !DRAMA! which I think has an important distinction - when your characters have drama they develop, when they have !DRAMA! they just react to it (poorly) and forget about it the next episode and then repeat it and repeat it so on.

I did, as I always do. It helps with the experience, to be honest. It's fun not to know what will happen.

I love you.

As someone who spends 70% of her life obsessing over TV and films, I have to be honest, this show just broke me…. How could something that was so fun and charming become a chore to watch? I cheered when Eddie appeared on the screen (I purposefully avoid spoilers so it was unexpected to me), but then I had to see the

I have this weird fascination with Moffat for some reason. I feel like he has a lot of potential but because he's not a writer himself (I'm not sure if he is or not and I'm too lazy to check) or something else, he's not getting any good roles to play. But I enjoyed him in many sketches; even in this episode, in the

Mikey Day is getting featured heavily on the show - and deservedly so. I think he's a very flexible performer and proved multiple times that he's also a talented writer.


Hey, remember when this show was fun? Good times.

It still freaks me out nevertheless, to be honest.

I recently found out about his health problems and now, especially after watching Logan, I'm scared that he'll pass away. Please don't do that. I've loved you since I saw you in Kate & Leopold as a little girl.

I'm just a 23 year old girl/woman but yeap, cried like a baby… Not ashamed.

"I drove a golf car!"
"Yeah, you sure did, Eric. But remember I told you this, pal? It's a golf cart, not car. Cart. With a T"

It bothers me so much, to be honest. I can't help but look at Agents of SHIELD, where I can see three different ways this whole 'hero' thing is handled.

February 26th saw that 2017 has not had enough celebrity deaths yet, so it made sure that we don't forget that everyone is going to die soon and life is meaningless.

Yeah, it's great now. They really turned things around.

Some agent: "Hail Hydra!" *puts two hands up in Hydra salute*

M83' Junk is a good album for when you're just hanging out with your friends and play it in the background.

Muse was my jam when I was younger. Still remember listening to Origin of Symmetry every day almost religiously. Then The Resistance happened, but I still liked some of the songs. But then I heard Madness for the first time. I don't think I hated a song with such intensity before. Looking back now, it's not a

It's a minor thing but for some reason the time jumps in this show kind of put me off. I mean, it's only the 4th episode of the season and Vanessa Hudgens' character has already been working there for 6 months? And in this episode she said she has been dating Dan for a couple of weeks. It's just weird.