
Yeah, I was hoping this movie would be good just so more people would find out about Holodomor. It was such a horrible thing that happened but many of my non-Ukrainian friends didn't even know what it was…

It was the first thing I saw Iain de Caestecker in. Started watching Agents of SHIELD because of it and oh how glad I am I did that.

Long live Fitz x Mack.

I know it's television and obviously they don't have the budget, but I would have expected that at least some green screen scenes would be better… They were embarrassing.

Faketz… Thank you for giving me this. That was a fantastic scene. I just rewatched it and after he was begging her not to do it, there was split moment when Jemma's hand was in the air to stab him again and we didn't see Faketz face, only to reveal in the next moment that he now is emotionless. Perfect.

To be fair, Season 3 Fitz was mostly there for Simmons, so they just showed us that she's just as much in love with him as he is with her.

Oh man, I'd be the first to admit that I watched way too many interviews of Agents of SHIELD cast. I think it's because they seem to be the coolest people to hang out with.

Yeah, you're might be right about that. Fitz probably has a dad in the Framework, which means he never joined SHIELD to prove his worth, ergo never met Jemma and never helped create the antiserum for the virus. But if Coulson never was a SHIELD agent, Simmons wouldn't have been on the BUS, no? But still, May was the

Yeah, that would be great too. I miss them. A lot. Hope they come back for at least one episode…

Well, Fitz is getting 'f**ked', as you say, in the Framework, so your time might come.

Wasn't it him who piloted Zephyr out of the base?

OR Plot twist: the woman in Fitz's car? AIDA

Plot twist: the woman in Fitz's car? Bobbi Morse. Hunter comes right behind her.

As May said, the choices we make and regrets we have shape us into who we are meant to be.

"And is Simmons' one regret really that she isn't dead yet? Or is she just trapped down their now because that's what Fitz wants? Shit's getting dark."

I watched an interview with Elizabeth Henstridge and Iain de Caestecker once and I remember how amazed he was that she could cry on command.

Henstridge was amazing (as usual), Ming-Na was fantastic, and I have to say, I agree with many people here, how de Caestecker managed to shift from playing scared to death Fitz to creepy LMD Fitz, then begging for life, still pretending to be real Fitz to emotionless dead LMD was just fantastic.

I think it's a reference to him being in "We Are The World 2" (aka Artists for Haiti) and, possibly, Psycho 2.

Oh yeah, I also watched a lot of Polish television, and to this day I remember the voice of a guy who translated 90% of everything. There was also one Russian guy who voiced pirated films that were later shown on TV (because you know, we were poor). Sometimes he tried to make different voices for different characters,

I know it's a silly parody but actually Soviet cinema and television films were filled with avant garde works of art that are not only wonderful to look at, but also were surprisingly touching and I still remember them to this day. But they were cruel most of the time… Maybe that's why I'm so emotionally distant and