
When I was a kid in Ukraine, most films I watched were in Russian (the laws that mandated the translation of all films to Ukrainian were not yet in place), and back then, late 90s - early 2000s, films were translated very poorly - you could hear so much dialogue in the original language in the backtrack and everything

I just want to have an episode where the team just hangs out and watches Star Trek together, bakes some cookies and everyone is happy. Dream!

Missed that one, thanks!

I for one am very happy Colbert is getting better ratings, because Fallon is just the worst.

Iain de Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge were, as always, amazing. Especially in the scene where Fitz doubted himself - those two always know how to make me tear up a little bit.

FitzSimmons vs The World is a show I desperately need. A show I need but I don't think I deserve.

Still cannot get over the fact that Stephanie Beatriz sounds nothing like Rosa Diaz in real life. Like, it's just unbelievable how different the voices are.

I still like Mikey Day out of the new cast members the most, but I really liked Alex Moffat in that Weekend Update sketch. Hope he shines more and more.

Uhm, yes it's very different. Trump is a sexist pig who can't stand seeing a woman play a man in his administration.

I know it's a small thing but it bothers me that the characters started referring to 2017 as their present. I mean, they come from 2016, so they should talk about 2016 as the point they want to go back to, no?

Fitz and Simmons work so well together, and now that they are a couple it's just an added bonus. It was nice seeing them being FitzSimmons again - and science-ing (that is a word that exists, yes)!

That's a weird thing to say considering how great of a villain he was in seasons 2 and 3.

Don't know if it was present in previous episodes, but Trump wearing a Russian flag pin instead of an American one was a really nice detail.

If I'm not mistaken it was mentioned once or twice that Fitz only has a mom and no dad, but nothing that major.

It's funny, last week I joked here that Radcliffe might be Fitz's dad. And now we have this. For the record, I don't think that's the case, I think Radcliffe was telling the truth that he only knew his dad, and I can't wait to find out more about it.

I hope that she'll side with Fitz when time comes and will stay with SHIELD after it. After all, he was the one person who treated her with respect and dignity.

Does it bring you joy to know that something millions of people enjoy can end soon? Why would you spend valuable time of your day to hate something? What does it bring you? What can possibly be so great about getting on a review of a show, putting an F in a community grade section and then shitting on fans who enjoy

I know that daddy issues is a well-worn trope, but when it's done right… It's great. But they won't kill Fitz, right? …. Right?

No wonder Fitz was struggling so much after his accident - he thought he was useless and not good enough, just like his father told him he was. Not to mention that one person who supported him left (which further scratched those thoughts/ideas into his brain). And he overcame all of it basically because he got more

The show is finally giving Fitz some backstory? I'm all in. Give it to me. Do it!