
I was really impressed with the scene between Radcliffe and Fitz. It wasn't "showy" acting, but all of the small things both actors did made it my favourite scene of the episode.

So, is there a chance that Radcliffe is actually Fitz's dad? God, I hope not. But that can be the begin of Fitz's origin story as a villain… Why do I want him to be a villain, I don't know.

I loved the whole episode and thought Aziz killed it as a host, but the last sketch was just painful to watch. Usually, I don't mind when SNL cast members sing, even though they aren't necessarily great singers, but this was just horrible. Of course, I can't sing better than them, so who I am to talk, but if you put

Yeah, people seem to forget that Fitz is first and foremost a scientist. An engineer! Of course he'd want to know how and why his creation malfunctioned.

This episode felt strangely funny, and I'm not sure if it was because of Talbot or… yeah, definitely because of him. The weirdest moment for me was when he told the agent "with hair" to bring him coffee. I mean, that agent did have strange hair and all, but it was so un-AOS-like, I found it even funnier because of it.

A little detail I loved was when that scientist who was examining AIDA covered AIDA's head with a cloth while looking scared/unsure.

What's up with this episode getting some Fs in the community grade section? Are people still mad about this show being good or something?

Colbert did in his monologue a few days ago.

I guess maybe I came off too angry/passionate or something… I just don't understand why people are angry about TV shows nowadays, that's all. When I don't like something, I don't talk about it. For example, I still have faith that CW shows will get better, that's why I'm one of the many people criticizing those shows

Well, Skye is Daisy Johnson now, Ward has transformed into an amazing character and is actually no longer there (without getting too spoilery, he was really great and sometimes I miss him), and Fitz has become the most interesting character on the show, so….

I guess I'm fine with people just being 'alright' about the show. But what I don't like is when people continue to badmouth something years after some controversy/failure/whatever. Just like in the case of Elementary, AoS is a great show that some people just refuse to watch based on.. I guess prejudice (is it a weird

Oh, I'm taking the CW shows into consideration, man… The last season of all of the CW shows was a disaster, and even this season, when they are trying to fix the problems they had last year, it still is filled with unnecessary teenage drama, mediocre acting and plot that stretches out over the course of way too many

I watched Chris Stuckmann's review of the film and I have to agree with him, I'd definitely watch it if every time someone died they played *NSYNC's Bye Bye Bye…

Yeah, and I understand that, in some respect. But it was more than 3 years ago. Some of the most liked shows in the past struggled in their first season, but it was ok, because people gave it a chance. But nowadays you should either be great right away or you're shit.

Maybe it's a little bit not about the subject of this article or whatever… but!

Yeah, I agree. Sometimes you believe your family even when all of the signs tell you you shouldn't.

Dude.. you need to chill.

Nah, I really don't think it was that bad, to be honest. There were some great episodes in the first half of the season, it's just that people had such high expectations, it felt (at the time) like it was horrible. While we're comparing Marvel and DC shows, look at how quickly the quality of The Flash has dropped. And

Question for someone who knows things about accents: Was Simmons' accent any good? Because I found it very strange and just wrong. And I don't know if it's because it was bad or because it's weird to see Simmons talk like that….

I watch all of the "comic book" shows on TV and Netflix (except Gotham), and let me tell you a little secret: Marvel is better than DC. Hell, Agents of SHIELD alone is better than all of the CW shows right now. And yes, maybe the first season of The Flash was better than the first season of Agents of SHIELD (up until