
I LOVE Ayoade (mostly as a filmmaker, but Travel Man and Big Quiz of The Year, where he often is a panelist, are highly entertaining) so I bought this book and read it immediately. I'd give it a solid B. It's not hilarious on every page and it isn't really breaking any new grounds, but I enjoyed it. But those fucking

I'm currently watching The Sopranos for the first time. Was really surprised that the show is more about Tony getting better with the help of Dr. Melfi, than about mafia, crime, money etc. I mean, the latter is obviously prominently featured on the show, but the whole therapy aspect of it is actually what the story is

If you like Agents of SHIELD and/or comic book shows and you live in the US, you can watch Slingshot online! Unfortunately, I cannot comment on the quality of it, since I don't have the opportunity to watch it (yet), but if you can, please watch it. I think it would be nice to show our support of a female Latino

Oh don't worry, I'm well aware. I'm 23 and I'd never call myself an adult even though half of my friends my age have kids, I live alone in a foreign country, am getting my second university degree etc. And no it's not sarcasm, I'm serious. I don't believe people my age who tell me they got their life figured out and

My issue isn't that he's 3 years younger than me, but that's he's only 20. For some reason I still think that 20 year olds are still kids. Even though it's obviously not true. That and the whole 'I saw him as kid in a film and now he's all grown up' thing.

That's definitely it. For some reason (and I hate that I do this) I still find it creepy when men on the Internet comment about how hot Emma Watson is. Well, they started doing that when she was 16 and that was a little bit creepy, but now it's obviously normal.

I've been having a little bit of an existential crisis after watching the trailer. I think what makes it so weird to me is that I remember watching The Impossible and thinking "Wow, that kid is very good" and now I'm attracted to him???

So… is it bad that I find Tom Holland really, really cute (*cough* hot *cough*)?

I respectfully disagree. Even though I'd watch Sara fight every day, AoS has had pretty memorable fight scenes during its run - for example, May vs. May, one-shot Daisy fight, Bobbi vs. Ward vs. Kara, and even this week we got the amazing scene with Yo-Yo. The major difference between AoS and CW shows is, CW shows

I feel like saying that Aida is evil is oversimplifying the story we're about to see. I think she's experimenting on creating the ultimate LMD, it's just her methods are… let's say, shifty. What I think definitely will happen is that both Radcliffe and Fitz will be the only people that Aida won't touch, since they are

Who else appreciated the moment when Aida was shot and fell to the ground, and FitzSimmons just came out right behind her and shot the guy in tandem? It's like… the ultimate power couple move.

I feel the same way about Mikey Day. Ever since the first episode he was in, I've been kind of excited to see what he'll bring to the show. And even though he obviously still is not the best thing ever, every sketch he's in, he gives it 100%. It seems like he can play a lot of different characters without it feeling

It's been a while since I've said it here, so here it goes…

I love Gillian Jacobs, but….. no.

Geoff Peterson was amazing. I mean, he's not your typical sidekick, but he was perfect for Ferguson.

I agree with you. I mean, I know why different shows get different rankings. Basically, the show is judged against itself, not other shows, even if they are similar in premise blah blah blah. But, if that actually were true, wouldn't every episode after Winter Soldier be graded higher?

Really enjoyed the episode.

I'm always conflicted when it comes to separating art from a person who created it. I love art - every form of it. But the unfortunate truth is, many of the artist I admire are jerks. Horrible people. I'd hate them if I ever met them in real life. I'd despise them. But how can they create such a beautiful or

Even as a heterosexual woman I have to admit… I'd love to do things to Megan Mullally I've never done to anyone else before…

I understood what you meant. And I get your point. Just wanted to say that I liked the way he reacted.