
Season 2 was the highpoint of the show, that's for sure. Having fresh ideas helped a lot, I think. For example, at that point Merlin was an interesting character.

Nowadays, sure. I think it's safe to say that since seasons 3 and 4 there has been an increase of people who realised that maybe the show is not as flawless as they think. But there still are people who'd rather turn into incoherent mess of a being than admit that their favourite show has some issues. Which I

I love Gina/Jake friendship so much. Making them childhood friends was a really smart choice. We don't get that on TV very often - two childhood friends of opposite gender who are honest with each other and who don't fall in love.

One of the things I love about this show was always that Fitz and Simmons are equals and are treated as such. They are a team of two equally smart, intelligent, quick minded and awesome scientists who respect each other. I think that was the reason I rooted for them even when the cosmos was "against them". So it was

I honestly think Amell was better in season 1 than he is now. Maybe the writing was better back then so he had a better material to work with or maybe he just stopped giving a shit. Who knows…

I binged-watched Arrow because my friend recommended it to me and was really disappointed with the first season (to be honest, with the show as a whole since taking into consideration all of the praise it was getting, I expected it to be great).

"Simmons and Coulson’s way of addressing Daisy leaving worked a lot better for me than Fitz’s earlier. Both were firm and frustrated, but not as harsh and explosive like Fitz."

I thought this was an amazing episode. The car chase, humour from Fitz, Ghost Rider catching the chain from James, Simmons and Daisy being badasses together, no unnecessary tension between Fitz and Simmons after she found out that AIDA was an android…

Here's a thing I have to say: I realised recently that because of Ewan McGregor, Craig Ferguson, James McAvoy and Iain de Caestecker, Scottish actors/men are incredible…..

And they will put him next to Lenin and worship him, because that's what's supposed to happen, right?

This is such a strange thing for me to watch, since most of the Austrians I know - people who are my friends - are very open people, they are progressive and really think about the future. But then the reality hits me: I know them because I either study at the university with them, or they are friends of those

Yeah… you can probably guess I'm not a huge fan of Putin either (I come from Lviv, a city considered by many Russians to be the worst place to ever exist… so there's that). I live in Austria now, though, so I have the opportunity to watch another country try and burn itself to the ground (they are trying to elect a

I wanted to say this for quite some time about Trump and American election this year in general. I have to be honest here… I come from a country that is considered to be.. a third world country, I guess (Ukraine). BUT if things like this EVER came up during our election (and oh, are we a corrupt country) the candidate

Is it just me or are this season's episodes more focused on characters played by Fred Armisen? Bill Hader, who, in my opinion, is way funnier and more of an "acting chameleon", played mostly supporting parts, that even though were the funniest thing of those episodes, were still a very small part of them.

I think you're in a minority if you think that Agents of SHIELD got worse with season 2. Since, you know, it's universally known that season 2 was so much better than season 1.

Someone should continue doing Fitz-Update! I miss those.

"Coulson and Mack‘s teamwork was the best"

Can someone explain to me why Barb is so beloved? I mean, I didn't hate her or anything, but there was nothing special about her… Before I watched the show, I expected her to be way more important to the show and its storyline than she actually was. I think it's Tumblr's fault. As it often is.

You need to get out of 2013. It's not that cool to hate Agents of SHIELD anymore, in case you didn't get the memo.

And The Fades!
(Everybody should watch The Fades!)